HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 440 - 449


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 440 - 449

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

440 > 8- 440 -440 = 23x5x11
HayYodTawVauYodZainBet --- place of olives.
AlephTawVauLamedGimel --- exiles.
NunPehShinYod --- (1090 w/f); pr.n. "Hiding".
LamedTawYod --- to jest, mock; to be high.
ReshReshMem --- to flow or distill.
--- to be bitter, to be in grief; to make bitter; to embitter; to do bitterly or grievously; to exasperate or provoke.
--- bitter herbs; bitter things or hardships.
QofShinMem --- to hold or possess.
--- possessor or heir.
--- a running about (said of locusts).
TawMem --- a man.
--- a dying person; a dead person or a corpse.
--- dead.
ShinYodPehNun --- pr. n. "Cheerful".
MemShin LamedAyin --- (1000 w/f); after the name.

441 > 9- 441 -32x72
TawLamedYodAleph --- pr.n. "palmgrove".
--- hind.
ReshPehSamekhMem NunYodAleph --- (1091 w/f); without number.
TawMemAleph --- firmness; certainty; faithfulness; truth; true heartedness.
MemTawAleph --- (1001 w/f); ye.
--- pr.n. "Boundary of the Sea".
TawLamedChetGimel --- coal (burning).
LamedTawVauHay --- to turn aside.
VauHayYodAyinMemShinYod --- pr.n. "Yah Hears"; (435).
TawAlephMem --- from within.
ShinAlephBet ChetPehNun --- to blow up a fire.
MemYodReshPehAleph-MemAyin --- (1561 w/f); Among the Ephraimites.

442 > 10 > 1- 442 -442 = 2x13x17
TawVauLamedHayAleph --- aloe trees.
YodTawLamedBet --- not; without, besides; besides that, unless.
TawLamedBetYod --- a running sore, ulcer.
MemYodReshTzaddiMem NunYodBet --- (1652 w/f); between straits, in distress.
HayKafReshBetHay QofMemAyin --- the valley of the blessing (south of Tekoa, now called Bereikut).

443 > 11 > 2- 443 -86th prime
HayLamedVauTawBet --- virgin; betrothed virgin; cities; countries.
TawYodLamedGimel --- pr.n. "Revealer".
TawVauLamedZain --- baseness, abjectness.
HayLamedTawChet --- bandage, swaddling band.
GimelTawMem --- to draw in or hold back.
--- a bit or curb (harness part).

444 > 12 > 3- 444 -444 = 22x3x37
TawYodLamedDalet --- branches, boughs.
QofShinMemDalet --- to be active, quick; pr.n. "Activity", Damascus; damask. (Damascus: "a city so fruitful and fair as to be often called Paradise").
LamedVauTawChet --- bandage.
ShinDaletQofMem --- a holy thing; a holy place, sanctuary; the temple; an asylum.

445 > 13 > 4- 445 -445 = 5x89
YodTawLamedAlephGimelAleph --- to soil.
TawLamedChetZain --- pr.n. "The Snake Stone".
HayLamedTawYod --- pr.n. "Hilly".
HayReshKafReshKaf --- runners; dromedaries.
HayShinQofMem --- turnery (of wood or metal).
--- a cucumber-field.
--- turning or twisting (of the hair).
HayReshReshMem --- bile or gall.
--- bitterness or acerbity.
QofBetReshMem LamedGimelAyin --- a calf of the stall (i.e. fatted calf).
HayQofShinMem --- a cup-bearer or butler; butlership; drink; a well-watered region.
HayTawMem --- to extend, to be full growth.
QofBetReshMem LamedGimelAyin --- a calf of the stall, (a fatted calf, such as is produced in modern times for veal by confinement and force feeding).

446 > 14 > 5- 446 -446 = 2x223
HayTawYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. "God Commeth".
PehVauShinNunYod --- (1166 w/f); an unclean bird, twilight or evening bird, owl or a bittern or heron.
ShinQofVauMem --- a noose or snare; a ring (in the snout for fastening a beast); a plot, stratagem; a plotter.
TawVauMem --- to die (of natural causes); to wither up (of a tree); to lie waste (of a field); to faint (of the heart); to perish (of a state).
--- death; place of the dead; destruction or ruin.
--- death.
LamedVauAyinShinMem --- a hollow way or narrow pass.

447 > 15 > 6- 447 -447 = 3x149
TawVauLamedYodAleph --- strength, force; help.
TawVauLamedYodAleph --- pr.n. "Palm Grove".
HayTawAlephYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. "God Commeth".
YodTawLamedDaletGimel --- pr.n. "I Magnify (God)".
MemTawZain --- (1007 w/f); pr.n. "An Olive Tree".

448 > 16 > 7- 448 -448 = 26x7
TawVauMemBet --- pr.n. "Heights of Baal".
TawMemChet --- pr.n. "Citadel", "Fortress"; a skin bottle; bagpipe, shepherd's bottle; sack; pr.n. "Warm Spring".
MemTawChet --- (1008 w/f); to enclose, shut up, wrap; to seal up; a seal; seal ring; perfection.
TawChetMem --- pr.n. "Grasping".
QofChetShinMem --- a derision or laughingstock.
TetPehShinMem HayTetHay --- to turn away or thwart justice.
ChetTawMem --- to stretch or extend.
TetPehShinMem HayTetHay --- to pervert judgment.

449 > 17 > 8- 449 -87th prime
TawYodLamedTet --- cover, sheet, cloak (similar to Roman pallium); Tallith (fringed prayer shawl).