HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 450 - 459


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 450 - 459

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

450 > 9- 450 -450 = 2x32x52
HayMemDaletTawAleph --- (49); to make oneself like --- (also refers to silence, desolation and thought).
QofShinMemVauDalet --- pr.n. "Activity", "To be Level and Lovely", Damascus; (444).
TawVauMemDalet --- resemblance, likeness; image; model; shape, form; like.
TawDaletLamedVauYod --- female child.
TawVauDaletLamedYod --- childhood, youth; young men.
MemTawYod --- (1010 w/f); to be desolate, bereaved; I close up
LamedTawKaf --- to surround or enclose; a wall.
KafTawLamed --- (930 w/f); to pour out; a measure (for grain: 1/2 a ReshKaf or 44 gallons).
TawBetChetMem --- a pan, a frying pan.
ShinLamedPehMem --- poising or balancing (of the clouds).
YodReshReshMem --- pr. n. "Bitter" or "Unhappy" --- of a son of Levi.
AyinMemShinMem --- a hearing or report.
MemAyinShinMem --- (1010 w/f); pr. n. "Cleansing".
YodTawMem --- when?, when.
ShinQofNun --- to snare or trap; to be snared.
QofShinNun --- to kiss.
--- to bend or use (a bow); to arm (oneself).
--- weapon; armour, arms; an armory.
--- to be kindled.
TawNun --- Nuit.
YodMemTzaddiAyinMem MemTzaddiAyin --- (1010 w/f); bone from my bones.

451 > 10 > 1- 451 -451 = 11x41
MemTawYodAleph --- (1011 w/f); complete.
AyinMemShinYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. "God Hears".
YodTawMemAleph --- pr.n. "Truthful".
TawNunAleph --- to incline to, to meet.
NunTawAleph --- (1101 w/f); to take short steps. --- persistent.
--- ye.
VauLamedTawHayYod --- to mock or deride.
LamedAlephAyinMemShinYod --- pr.n. "God Hears", Ishmael.
TawAlephKafLamed --- loops.
HayShinQofVauMem --- snare, plot.
MemYodNunAlephNunShin --- (1011 w/f); pr.n. "Shinanim" --- angelic order associated5 with the 6th Sephira Tipheret,(1081). (Ps. LXVIII, 18)
5. G-K p. 91

452 > 11 > 2- 452 -452 = 22x13
LamedAlephYodTawYodAleph --- pr.n. "God is Existence".
TawVauHayMemAleph --- (42); handmaid, maid servant, female salve.
YodTawMemBet --- heights.
YodTawLamedDaletChet --- to abandon.
TawMemBetYod --- sister in law; a brother's wife; a husband's brother's wife. (Important because of the requirement of raising up a son to such in the brother's name if the brother dies without issue).
TawYodBetMem --- within.
BetTawNun --- to tread or trample.

453 > 12 > 3- 453 -453 = 3x151
TawVauMemHayBet --- beasts; Behemoth; hippopotamus, Nile-horse.
MemYodTawGimel --- (1013 w/f); pr.n. "Two Winepresses".
HayTawChetMem --- fire pan or censer.
--- a curshing, destruction; terror, dismay.
HayYodChet ShinPehNun --- breath of life.

454 > 13 > 4- 454 -454 = 2x227
NunTawDalet --- (1104 w/f); pr.n. "Given"; pr.n. "Two Cisterns".
MemTawVauChet --- (1014 w/f); signet ring; pr.n. "Seal".
TawVauMemChet --- mother in law.
TawYodChetVauLamed --- pr.n. "Abounding in Slabs" or "Abounding in Boards".
ReshYodTzaddiQof DaletNun --- harvest heap.

455 > 14 > 5- 455 -455 = 5x7x13
TawBetNunGimel --- pr.n. "Theft".
TawYodMemHay --- sighing.
HayMemTawYod --- pr.n. "Orphanhood".

456 > 15 > 6- 456 -456 = 23x3x19
HayTawNunAleph --- thou.
HayNunTawAleph --- present, reward; harlot's hire.
--- ye.
MemTawVauYod --- (1016 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is perfect".
TawVauMemYod --- days.
MemVauTawYod --- (1016 w/f); an orphan; a fatherless child.

457 > 16 > 7- 457 -88th prime
NunVauTawAleph --- (1107 w/f); she-ass, jenny.
VauNunTawAleph --- we come.
TawVauYodAlephMem --- hundreds.
BetVauZainAyinVau ReshVauTzaddiAyin --- bond and free (i.e. everybody).

458 > 17 > 8- 458 -458 = 2x229
TawVauNunBet --- daughters.
TawVauDaletMemChet --- (464); pleasant things, delights; pleasantness.
NunTawChet --- (1108 w/f); to enclose, combine, join affinity; father in law; bridegroom; son in law; marriage relation.
VauYodTawMemBet --- in his death.
TawVauBetNun --- pr. n. "Fruits".
TawChetNun --- to descent; to sink deep; to come down on; to press down; to level;
--- a letting or bringing down (of the arm to strike); a spread or supply; rest, quietness.
ChetTawNun --- to cut up or sever; to dismember.
--- a piece (of flesh).

459 > 18 > 9- 459 -459 = 33x17
TetLamedQofMem ReshYodAyin --- city of refuge (for homicides)