HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 520 - 529


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 520 - 529

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

520 > 7- 520 -520 = 23x5x13
TawPehYodKafVauDalet --- a bird, the hoopoe, the rock or mountain cock.
ShinVauYodReshDalet --- pr.n. "The Preserver", Darius.
TawPehLamedYod --- scab.
TawMemSamekhKaf --- spelt (a cereal grain).
ShinReshKaf --- pr.n. "Fire" or "Sun", Cyrus; convex, bulging, a belly.
ReshShinKaf --- to be straight or upright; proper or right; to shoot up or sprout; to thrive.
TawKafSamekhMem --- the thread or warp in weaving.
AyinTawNun --- to break or crush.
TawYodMemAyin --- society or fellowship; neighbor or fellow-man.
NunTawAyin --- (1170 w/f); to be strong.

521 > 8- 521 -98th prime
MemTawPehAleph --- (1081 w/f); in the end, at last.
ReshKafShinAleph --- traffic, wares; present, tribute.
NunTawNunVauHayYod --- (1171 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is Giver".
TawVauNunYodZainChetMem --- through visions
VauHayYodNunTawNun --- pr. n. "Yah Gives".
LamedHayAlephHay TawVauBetYodBetSamekh --- round about the tabernacle.
TawNunAyin --- pr. n. "Audience".
--- time.

522 > 9- 522 -522 = 2x32x29
HayShinVauReshYod --- (517); pr.n. "Possession".
YodMemAyin TawBet --- daughter of my people.

523 > 10 > 1- 523 -99th prime
MemYodBetNunAyin LamedKafShinAleph --- (1083 w/f); cluster of grapes.
TawVauQofYodZain --- fiery darts.
MemYodMemDalet TetPehShinMem --- (1083 w/f); a charge of bloodshed.
TawVauMemZainAyin --- pr. n. "Death Strong".

524 > 11 > 2- 524 -22x131
(for entries using finals, see: 44 --- Kaf-finalKafDalet)
YodTawMem-DaletAyin --- till when?, how long?

525 > 12 > 3- 525 -3x52x7
TawVauAlephBetTzaddi HayVauHay</td --- r.n. "Jehovah Sabaot" --- divine name associated10 with the 7th Sephira Netzach,(148).
TawDaletAyinMemHayVau --- and thou shalt cause to shake.
HayLamedLamedSamekh KafPehShin --- (1005 w/f); to throw up a rampart.
KafNunVauReshHayVau KafNunVauBetTzaddiAyin --- (1485 w/f); thy pain and thy conception.
HayYodTzaddi MemYodQofReshAyin --- (1085 w/f); gnawing the desert.
10. G-K p. 91

526 > 13 > 4- 526 -526 = 2x263
ShinReshVauKaf --- pr.n. "Sun" or "Fire", Cyrus.
TawVauLamedYodSamekhKaf --- folly.
TawVauDaletAyinVauMem --- festivals.
TawPehVauMem --- a splendid or conspicuous deed, a miracle; a sign, proof; portent.
TawVauLamed NunMem --- (1176 w/f); on the part of.
PehVauQofShinMem --- (1246 w/f); a lintel (the upper cross-timber of a door-frame).
ReshYodNun VauReshYodNun --- break ye up the fallow ground.
MemYodKafBetSamekh MemYodReshYodSamekh-DaletAyin --- (1646 w/f); like tangled thorns.
TawVauNunAyin --- cry or call.
MemYodQofVauShinAyin --- (1086 w/f); oppressions or violences.

527 > 14 > 5- 527 -527 = 17x31
(for entries using finals, see: 47 --- Kaf-finalKafZain)
ReshChetShinYodChetAleph --- pr.n. "Brother of the Dawn".
TawVauNunMemLamedAleph --- citadels, palaces.
--- widowhood.
HayShinVauChetNun KafChetTzaddiMem --- (1007 w/f); thy brow is copper, thy brow is bronze --- you are brazen faced or shameless. meaning

528 > 15 > 6- 528 -528 = 24x3x11
MemYodTawVauAyinBet --- (1088 w/f); terrors.
TawVauLamedTzaddiBet --- (532); pr.n. "Stripping Off".
YodShinYodReshChet --- silent, still; sultry (of the east wind).
ReshAlephYod AyinReshZainMem --- seed-land of the Nile.
ChetTawPehMem --- a key.
--- opening of the lips.

529 > 16 > 7- 529 -529 = 232
LamedPehTawYodChetAleph --- pr.n. "Brother of Folly".
LamedAleph-ChetTawPehYod --- pr.n. "God Opens".