HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 460 - 469


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 460 - 469

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

460 > 10 > 1- 460 -460 = 22x5x23
NunShinQofYod --- (1110 w/f); pr.n. "Fowler".
NunTawYod --- (1110 w/f); to reach out, extend; to be perennial, constant.
TawMemKaf --- to hide.
MemTawKaf --- (1020 w/f); to make spots; to soil; to carve or mark; gold, bright gold.
TawYodMemYod --- to cause to die, to put to death; to kill (of disease).
TawYodNun --- Nuit.
MemYodLamedShinMemMem --- (1020 w/f); lordships, rulers
YodReshYodReshMem --- bitter; dire (of a plague).
NunAyinShinMem --- (1110 w/f); a prop or stay.
ReshReshSamekh --- to be refractory or rebellious

461 > 11 > 2- 461 -89th prime
NunTawYodAleph --- (1111 w/f); very extended, lasting; constant; continuity, constancy, strength; firm, durable; might ones, nobles; rocks.
--- pr.n. "Persistent".
YodNunTawAleph --- pr.n. "Munificent".
NunVauTawBetGimel --- (1111 w/f); pr.n. "Elevation".
TzaddiReshAlephLamed LamedYodLamedAyin --- (1271 w/f); a crucible of earth.

462 > 12 > 3- 462 -2x3x7x11
NunTawYodBet --- (1112 w/f); palace.
BetTawKafMem --- writing, a writing, an edict; a prescript or plan; a letter or epistle.
BetYodTawNun --- trodden.

463 > 13 > 4- 463 -90th prime
TawNunYodGimel --- pr.n. "Protection".
TawYodKafVauKafZain --- transparency, clearness; glass, crystal.
YodTawVauMemZain --- I have proposed; my thoughts.
TawVauNunZain --- whoredom; idolatry; unfaithfulness, rebellion (against god).
HayNunTawChet --- espousals, nuptials.
TawVauChetBetZainMem --- altars.
AlephTawBetSamekh --- pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race.

464 > 14 > 5- 464 -464 = 24x29
NunYodTawDalet --- (1114 w/f); pr.n. "Two Cisterns".
TawVauDaletVauMemChet --- pleasant things, delights; pleasantness.
TawVauNunChet --- cell, vault; a sighing, a cry for pity.
VauTawNunChet --- pr.n. "Pleasant".

465 > 15 > 6- 465 -465 = 3x5x31
TawVauMemYodChetAleph --- pr.n. "Brother of Death".
HayTawKafMem --- a breaking or smashing.
HayMemLamedShin KafLamedMem --- (945 w/f); pr.n. "King Solomon" --- general interpretation in the Zohar and Talmud.6
--- pr.n. "King of Peace" --- used in Zohar for instances in the "Song of Songs".7
HayNunAyinShinMem --- staff or support.
HayVauHayYod YodTetPehShinMem --- the judgments of Yahweh.
HayQofYodShinNun --- a kiss.
HayTawSamekh --- to pour or shed forth.
6. G-K p. 90
7. G-K p. 90

466 > 16 > 7- 466 -466 = 2x233
TawLamedGimelLamedGimel --- skull, head; individual.
VauYodTawVauYodLamedDalet --- branches, boughs.
TawYodVauNun --- pr. n. "Pastures".
TawVauYodNun --- pr. n. "Dwellings".
TawVauSamekh --- to set or lay on.
--- garment.
VauTawSamekh --- rainy season, winter.

467 > 17 > 8- 467 -91st prime
NunVauTawYodAleph --- (1117 w/f); ingress, entrance.
BetTawKaf AlephLamed YodDalet --- without prescription, without limit.
NunTawYodZain --- (1117 w/f); pr.n. "Olive Tree".
HayBetYodTawNun --- a foot-path.
HayTawBetSamekh --- pr. n. "Repose", a Cushite race.

468 > 18 > 9- 468 -468 = 22x32x13
BetYodDaletNun TawBet --- a prince's daughter.
TawYodNunChet --- spear.
KafLamedMemLamed ChetShinMem --- (948 w/f); to anoint for king.
TawVauYodBetNun --- pr. n. "Heights" (a people in Arabia Petraea, probably Nabatheans).

469 > 19 > 10 > 1- 469 -469 = 7x67