HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 680 - 689


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 680 - 689

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

680 > 14 > 5- 680 -680 = 23x5x17
(for entries using finals, see: 120 --- Mem-finalSamekhKaf, Mem-finalYodKafNun, Mem-finalYodAyin)
HayReshAyinTawHay --- to make oneself naked, to expose one's own nakedness or shame.

681 > 15 > 6- 681 -681 = 2x227
(for entries using finals, see: 121 --- Mem-finalYodAlephLamedMem, Mem-finalYodAlephKafNun, Mem-finalDaletAleph-DaletBetAyin)
TawReshPehAleph --- pr.n. "Fruitful".
TawVauSamekhYodReshHay --- a tearing down, destruction.
HayVauAlephGimel VauMemTawQofNunAyin --- pride decks them as a collar.

682 > 16 > 7- 682 -682 = 2x11x31
(for entries using finals, see: 122 --- Mem-finalYodAyinBet)
ReshHaySamekhHay TawYodBet --- the round-house.

683 > 17 > 8- 683 -124th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 123 --- Mem-finalYodMem LamedBetAleph)

684 > 18 > 9- 684 -684 = 22x32x19
(for entries using finals, see: 124 --- Mem-finalYodGimelMemLamedAleph, Mem-finalYodBetYodBetSamekh)

685 > 19 > 10 > 1- 685 -685 = 5x137
(for entries using finals, see: 125 --- Mem-finalYodBetGimelAyin; 205 --- Kaf-finalPehKafPehHay)
TawVauReshTetAyin --- pr. n. "Crowns".

686 > 20 > 2- 686 -686 = 2x73
(for entries using finals, see: 126 --- Mem-finalKafVauMemKaf)
TawVauMemReshMem --- pr. n. "Heights".
HayMemLamedShinKaf ReshVauAleph HayTetAyin --- putting on light as the robe.
ChetChetYodNun TawYodResh --- the odour of pleasantness (an agreeable smell).

687 > 21 > 3- 687 -687 = 3x229
(for entries using finals, see: 127 --- Mem-finalYodAlephVauLamedMem)
TawReshMemZainMem --- snuffers.

688 > 22 > 4- 688 -688 = 24x43
MemTawReshChetMem --- (1248 w/f); on the morrow.
TawReshChetMemMem --- on the following day

689 > 23 > 5- 689 -689 = 13x53
(for entries using finals, see: 129 --- Mem-finalTetYodAyin)
TawVauReshGimelMemMem --- storehouses or garners
MemYodQofChetReshMem TzaddiReshAleph --- (2059 w/f); a far off land.
ShinDaletQofHay ReshYodAyin --- the holy city.