HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 340 - 349


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 340 - 349

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

340 > 7- 340 -340 = 22x5x17
ShinYodLamed --- to press, to knead; to lick or eat; to be strong or raging; force or fury; a lion; pr.n. "Strong".
MemReshYodKafLamedMem --- (900 w/f); pr.n. "King of Exaltation"
ReshMemSamekhMem --- a nail.
TzaddiYodTzaddiHay HayLamedAyinMem --- (1150 w/f); pr.n. "Flower Cliff".
SamekhMemReshMem --- a treading down, a trodden thing.
QofReshMem --- to rub or scour, to polish (metal); to be scoured; to sharpen (by rubbing); to cleanse.
--- mash, broth or soup (what is bruised or broken).
ShinMem --- pr. n. "Touch" --- of a people sprung from Aram.
MemYodReshMemNun --- (900 w/f); pr. n. "Clear Waters".
ReshTzaddiNun --- to watch or guard; to keep or observe (a covenant); to hide away.
--- to shine, to be verdant
--- a shoot or sprout; a branch; offspring.
ReshPehSamekh --- to write; to count or tell; to be told or numbered; to recount, tell, declare; to celebrate (as make note with words).
--- to be bright or brilliant.
--- a writer or scribe; a military secretary; a general.
--- writing (as an art); a writing (bill, letter, etc.); a book.
--- a numbering, a census. (a possible root of the word HayReshYodPehSamekh, 335).
PehReshSamekh --- (1060 w/f); to burn or consume by fire.
ReshVauDalet NunYodAyin --- (990 w/f); pr. n. "Abode Fount", (well in Manasseh near mount Tabor).
ReshKafAyinNun --- to be troubled or stirred.
NunReshKafAyin --- (990 w/f); pr. n. "Troublesome".
ReshAyinAyin --- to rouse.

341 > 8- 341 -341 = 11x31
ShinMemAleph --- to pass away.
--- yester-night; last night; night.
MemShinAleph --- (901 w/f); to lie wild, waste, desolate; to be laid waste, be condemned; to be guilty, to transgress.
--- fault, guilt; trespass; a trespass-offering.
--- guilty.
(The traditional order of the three mother letters cited in the Sepher Yetzirah as the mode of the creation. This suggests a similar notion to that of designating Chesed as evil).
AlephReshQofMem --- a calling together; an assembly or convocation; a reading.
HayReshVauTzaddiMem --- a rampart, mound; a fortress, fortification.
HayAlephReshMem HayPehYod --- fair-looking (man).
HayTzaddiVauReshMem --- a running.
--- oppression.
AlephShinMem --- pr. n. "Firmness".
--- debt or loan; borrowing; usury.
--- a lifting or carrying, a burden or load; a lifting (of the voice), singing or song; an utterance of saying; a divine declaration or response, an oracle or prophecy; a contribution or tribute; longing; pr. n. "Burden".
--- ( to be entered, Shin Aleph Mem as the Great Name from the S.Y.")

342 > 9- 342 -342 = 2x32x19
YodLamedShinBet --- because of me.
MemShinBet --- (902 w/f); to smell sweet, be fragrant; balsam tree; balsam scent; spice, spicery.
QofBetReshMem --- a stall or stable (for fattening).

343 > 10 > 1- 343 -343 = 73
MemYodMemReshKaf LamedBetAleph --- (903 w/f); pr.n. "Meadow of Vineyards".
MemShinGimel --- (903 w/f); to gush out, to rain; to touch, to be tangible; an outpouring, gushing rain, heavy shower; rain; body.
NunVauReshPehZain --- (993 w/f); pr.n. "Fragrance".
HayKafYodShinChet --- darkness.
LamedChetNun ReshHayNun --- the stream of a brook.
NunYodReshChetAleph-DaletAyin --- (993 w/f); till afterwards, at last.

344 > 11 > 2- 344 -344 = 23x43
ShinMemDalet --- to be quick, active.
ShinChetVauLamed --- pr.n. "Enchanter" or "Juggler".
DaletReshPehSamekh --- the place of exile.
DaletPehReshSamekh --- burner, nettle.

345 > 12 > 3- 345 -345 = 3x5x23
MemShinHay --- (905 w/f); pr.n. "Rich".
HayReshAyinMemLamed --- on the west of.
HayReshQofMem --- accident; event or lot.
--- frame-work (in beams or joists).
--- a cooling or refreshing.
HayLamedAyinReshMem --- pr. n. "Earthquake" --- name of a place in Zebulon.
BetGimelShinMem --- height or altitude; a high place as a refuge.
HayShinMem --- to turn aside or depart (sunset).
--- to draw out; pr. n. "Rescuer".
--- pr. n. "water saved", Moses.
--- a debt or loan.
HayReshPehSamekh --- a book.
--- numbers.
DaletVauReshHay NunYodAyin --- (995 w/f); pr. n. "Panic Fount".

346 > 13 > 4- 346 -346 = 2x173
ShinYodBetGimelLamedAleph --- hail, hail stones.
HayShinYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. of a race in the west and of their land from which purple dye was taken; Hellas (Greeks).
HayMemShinAleph --- trespass; trespass-offering; condemnation; idol.
ShinVauMem --- to move away, depart.
--- to feel or touch
ReshVauQofMem --- a fountain.
QofVauReshMem --- polished.
HayAlephShinMem --- a loan or debt.
--- burning or conflagration.
--- a desolation; desolateness or gloom.

347 > 14 > 5- 347 -69th prime
NunVauYodReshPehAleph --- (997 w/f); litter, palanquin.
HayMemBetShin --- pr.n. "Fragrance" of a city in Reuben.
QofReshZainMem --- a sprinkler or basin (for sacrificial use); a wine bowl.
ReshVauTzaddiMemBet AlephVauBet --- to enter into the siege, to become invested or blockaded.

348 > 15 > 6- 348 -348 = 22x3x29
NunVauReshTzaddiBet --- (998 w/f); citadel, fortress.
ShinMemChet --- to be sharp, bold, strong; to arm the loins; to arm oneself; five; loins, waist; a fifth, to tax one fifth.
MemYodReshTzaddiChet --- (908 w/f); trumpeters.
NunTzaddiReshChet --- (998 w/f); grape seeds; sour grapes.
MemShinChet --- (908 w/f); to be bright, to be affluent; alert.
ShinVauBetMem --- the parts of shame; penis.
BetShinVauMem --- a seat; a site or situation; a sitting or session; a dwelling; a tarrying or stay; dwellers, inhabitants.
ReshQofChetMem --- exploration, a hidden or deep place, inmost recess.
QofChetReshMem --- remoteness, distance.
ChetQofReshMem --- perfume, aromatic herb.
HayGimelShinMem --- a misleader or deceiver.
--- an error.
ChetShinMem --- to streak or spread over, to paint; to consecrate by unction, to anoint.
--- to measure or portion out.

349 - 16 -> 7- 349 -70th prime
VauMemShinGimel --- pr.n. "Tangibleness".
HayShinVauLamedChet --- overthrow, defeat.
ReshSamekhPehTet --- general, captain.
ReshTetQofMem --- incense.
HayAyinSamekh ChetVauResh --- a rushing or violent wind.