HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 1030 - 1069


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 1030 - 1069

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

1030 > 4- 1030 -1030 = 2x5x103
(for entries using finals, see: 220 --- Tzaddi-finalYodPehMem, Tzaddi-finalTzaddiMem, Tzaddi-finalPehNun; 380 --- Nun-finalShinLamed)
TawTawYodReshKaf --- (1036); a cutting off; separation, divorce.

1031 > 5- 1031 -173rd prime

1032 > 6- 1032 -1032 = 23x3x43
(for entries using finals, see: 382 --- Nun-finalShinLamedBet)

1033 > 7- 1033 -174th prime

1034 > 8- 1034 -1034 = 2x11x47
(for entries using finals, see: 474 --- Mem-finalYodSamekhVauSamekh ReshTzaddiChet)

1035 > 9- 1035 -1035 = 32x5x23

1036 > 10 > 1- 1036 -1036 = 22x7x37
(for entries using finals, see: 386 --- Nun-finalVauShinLamed; 476 --- SamekhMemLamed Mem-finalVauShin)
TawVauTawYodReshKaf --- (1030); a cutting off; separation, divorce.

1037 > 11 > 2- 1037 -1037 = 17x61

1038 > 12 > 3- 1038 -1038 = 2x3x173

1039 > 13 > 4- 1039 -175th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 389 --- Nun-finalYodNunDaletAleph ReshBetAyinBet; 559 --- DaletGimelBetLamed Kaf-finalTawLamedNunKaf)

1040 > 5- 1040 -1040 = 24x5x13
(for entries using finals, see: 230 --- Tzaddi-finalQofMem, Tzaddi-finalTzaddiNun; 480 --- Mem-finalYodNunMemShinMem, Mem-finalTawMem)

1041 > 6- 1041 -1041 = 3x347
(for entries using finals, see: 391 --- Nun-finalMemShinAleph)

1042 > 7- 1042 -1042 = 2x521
(for entries using finals, see: 482 --- Mem-finalYodMemShin YodLamedBetNun)

1043 > 8- 1043 -1043 = 7x149

1044 > 9- 1044 -1044 = 22x32x29
(for entries using finals, see: 324 --- Peh-finalDaletReshMem)
TawDaletReshTawMem --- pr. n. "Given by Mithra" or "Given by the Sun".

1045 > 10 > 1- 1045 -1045 = 5x11x19

1046 > 11 > 2- 1046 -1046 = 2x523
(for entries using finals, see: 326 --- Peh-finalReshHayYodLamedAleph; 486 --- Mem-finalYodTawLamedBetDalet)
ZainAyin YodReshReshHayLamed HayTawDaletMemAyinHay --- thou didst set firmness to my mountain (didst confirm it).

1047 > 12 > 3- 1047 -1047 = 3x349
(for entries using finals, see: 397 --- Nun-finalVauAlephShinMem)

1048 > 13 > 4- 1048 -1048 = 23x131
(for entries using finals, see: 398 --- Nun-finalMemShinChet; 488 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauTawBet)
TawReshTawChetMem --- a breaking in (by a thief), burglary.

1049 > 14 > 5- 1049 -176th prime

1050 > 6- 1050 -1050 = 2x3x52x7
(for entries using finals, see: 490 --- Mem-finalYodTawMem)

1051 > 7- 1051 -177th prime

1052 > 8- 1052 -1052 = 22x263
(for entries using finals, see: 402 --- Nun-finalShinBetNun)
ShinMemShin TawYodBet --- (51 and 57); pr.n. "House of the Sun", "Heliopolis" (also NunVauAleph, NunAleph).

1053 > 9- 1053 -1053 = 34x13

1054 > 10 > 1- 1054 -1054 = 2x17x31
(for entries using finals, see: 334 --- Peh-finalMemVauReshChet; 404 -- Nun-finalVauMemShinChet)

1055 > 11 > 2- 1055 -1055 = 5x211
(for entries using finals, see: 245 --- Tzaddi-finalYodQofHayMem; 575 --- Kaf-finalShinAleph ChetVauReshMem)
NunVauHayNunMem YodHayVauLamedGimelResh
NunVauHayNunMemVau LamedZainReshPeh-YodDalet
PehSamekhChet YodDalet
--- (3075 w/f); his feet, a part of them was iron and a part of them was clay

1056 > 12 > 3- 1056 -1056 = 25x3x11
(for entries using finals, see: 247 --- Tzaddi-finalVauTzaddiYodNun;402 --- Nun-finalYodPehNunAleph DaletYodReshAleph; 406 --- Nun-finalVauLamedShinKaf, Nun-finalVauReshPehAyin)

1057 > 13 > 4- 1057 -1057 = 7x151

1058 > 14 > 5- 1058 -1058 = 2x232

1059 > 15 > 6- 1059 -1059 = 3x353

1060 > 7- 1060 -1060 = 22x5x53
(for entries using finals, see: 340 --- Peh-finalReshSamekh; 410 --- Nun-finalKafShinMem; 500 --- Mem-finalTawKafMem, Mem-finalTawSamekh)
1061 > 8- 1061 -178th prime
TawVauLamedAyinMemHay ReshYodShin --- song of the pilgrimages, pilgrim-song.

1062 > 9- 1062 -1062 = 2x32x59

1063 > 10 > 1- 1063 -179th prime

1064 > 11 > 2- 1064 -1064 = 23x7x19
(for entries using finals, see: 414 --- Nun-finalVauShinChetNun)

1065 > 12 > 3- 1065 -1065 = 3x5x71

1066 > 13 > 4- 1066 -1066 = 2x13x41
(for entries using finals, see: 416 --- Nun-finalVauMemYodShinYod; 506 --- Mem-finalVauZainAleph-TawAleph VauTetHay AlephLamed)

1067 > 14 > 5- 1067 -1067 = 11x97
(for entries using finals, see: 417 --- Nun-finalBetZainShinVauBetNun)

1068 > 15 > 6- 1068 -1068 = 22x3x89
BetReshQofLamed AyinBetPeh TawDaletQofPeh --- "combat standing order".
TawVauDaletReshPeh VauShinBetAyin --- the grains rot.

1069 > 16 > 7- 1069 -180th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 509 --- Mem-finalYodMem-VauLamedZainYod VauNunYodPehAyinPehAyin)
TawYodChetShinMem ShinYodAleph --- a destroyer.