HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 360 - 369


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 360 - 369

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

360 > 9- 360 -23x32x5
NunVauQofReshDalet --- (1010 w/f); pr.n. "Hastener".
MemYodShinBetChet --- (920 w/f); yarns, threads.
NunShinYod --- (1010 w/f); to be sapless, withered, old; to rest, to fall asleep; to sleep; old, last year's; ancient; sleeping; pr.n. "Sleeper".
ShinMemKaf --- to glow, burn.
SamekhPehReshKaf --- cotton stuff.
LamedYodShinKaf --- an ace.
ShinYodKafLamed --- pr.n. "Obstinate" or "impregnable".
ReshTzaddiLamedMem --- overseer or guardian
NunVauReshDaletSamekhMem --- (1010 w/f); portico.
KafShinMem --- (840 w/f); to drag or pull, to draw; to continue or prolong; to lay hold of; to sustain or cherish; to march.
--- a drawing out, a sowing; possession.
YodShinNun --- a debt.
YodMemReshMemAyin --- Amramite.
TzaddiReshAyin --- (1170 w/f); to shake or tremble; to fear; to frighten or terrify; to chase away.

361 > 10 > 1- 361 -361 = 192
AlephYodNunShin --- hated.
KafTawTzaddiMem YodShinNunAleph --- (1391 w/f); men of thy contention (as contending with thee).
AlephYodShinNun --- a king; a head or chief (of a tribe or family); vapour or cloud.

362 > 11 > 2- 362 -362 = 2x181
SamekhShinBet --- to tread down.
BetKafShinMem --- a lying down (for sleep), a lying with (for sex); a couch or bed; a bier.
HayAlephVauShinNun --- a burden.

363 > 12 > 3- 363 -363 = 3x112
NunShinYodGimel --- (1013 w/f); pr.n. "Cloddy".
ChetVauTetShinMem --- a spreading place (for nets, i.e. a drying ground).
LamedGimelResh NunYodAyin --- (1013 w/f); pr. n. "Fuller's Fount" (well east of Jerusalem in the valley of Kidron, now called Job's well).
ChetLamedMemHay ReshYodAyin --- the salt city.

364 > 13 #62; 4- 364 -364 = 22x7x13
QofReshBet-YodNunBet --- pr.n. "Sons of Lightning".
NunShinYodDalet --- (1014 w/f); pr.n. "Antelope".
MemYodShinVauChet --- (924 w/f); pr.n. "Alertness.
VauYodShinMemChet --- his fifty.
ShinVauChetNun --- copper, bronze.

365 > 14 > 5- 365 -365 = 5x73
HayDaletNun HayShinAleph --- a menstruous woman.
HayNunBetShinChet --- pr.n. "Invention".
HayMemYodShinYod --- desolations, devastations; pr.n. "Place of solitudes".
HayNunShinYod --- pr.n. "Ancient".
HayYodShinNun --- forgetfulness or oblivion.
YodBetNun-ReshGimelMemSamekh --- pr. n. "Overthrower of Nebo", name of a Babylonian captain.
HayReshTzaddiAyin --- an assembly or crowd; a religious assembly, a feast or festival (especially the 7th day of Passover or the 8th of the feast of Tabernacles).

366 > 15 > 6- 366 -366 = 2x3x61
YodNunShinVau --- pr.n. "Strong".
NunVauBetShinChet --- (1016 w/f); combination, reasoning; judgment, penetration; pr.n. "Alliance"; a contriving, device; a contrivance or invention (for war); engines or instruments of war.
NunChetShinChet --- (1016 w/f); needful, necessary.
NunVauQofReshYod --- (1016 w/f); greenish-yellow (the color of decaying vegetation); paleness, ghastliness.
VauNunShinYod --- he or it is.
ShinVauMemKaf --- pr.n. "Burning", Chemosh --- an idol or god of the Moabites.
MemYodHayLamedAleph ReshYodAyin --- (926 w/f); city of Elohim (for Jerusalem).
TzaddiVauReshAyin --- (1176 w/f); terror or horror.
NunVauMemReshAyin --- (1016 w/f); the plane tree.

367 > 16 > 7- 367 -73rd prime
NunVauShinYodAleph --- (1017 w/f); a manikin; pupil of the eye; the midst, the heart, center; darkness.
HayVauHayYod AlephShinMem --- prophecy of Yahweh.

368 > 17 > 8- 368 -368 = 24x23
SamekhVauQofReshBet --- breaker.
YodShinYodMemChet --- fifth; fifth part; (358, 758 & 768).
KafShinChetMem --- (848 w/f); darkness; in darkness; a dark place; a shade (dead spirit).
ShinChetSamekh --- to be sapless, dry (as stubble or straw).

369 > 18 > 9- 369 -369 = 32x41
HayNunDaletBetShinChet --- pr.n. "Thought of Judgment".