HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 750 - 759


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 750 - 759

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

750 > 12 > 3- 750 -750 = 2x3x53
(for entries using finals, see: 100 --- Nun-finalVauMemGimelAleph, LamedYodChet-Nun-finalBet, Nun-finalMemYod, Nun-finalKafLamed, Nun-finalVauDaletMem, Nun-finalYodMem; 190 --- Mem-finalQofNun)
TawBetShinChetMem --- engineering work; skillful work.
PehSamekhKaf TawNunQofMem --- (1470 w/f); the purchase of money (e.g. a slave).
YodTawShinMem --- a banquet.
TawShinNun --- to become dry or parched; to fail.
ShinTawNun --- to pluck or root up, to extirpate, to rase.
--- to become dry.
TawReshPehAyin --- lead.

751 > 13 > 4- 751 -133rd prime
(for entries using finals, see: 101 --- Nun-finalNunAleph, Nun-finalVauMemHay, Nun-finalVauLamedVauBetZain; 191 --- Mem-finalAyinNunLamedAleph, Mem-finalYodQofYodLamedAleph, Mem-finalVauQofMemHay, Mem-finalKafAlephTzaddiMem)
TawAlephShinNun --- a present or gift.

752 > 14 > 5- 752 -752 = 24x47
(for entries using finals, see: 102 --- Nun-finalDaletMemChet; 272 --- BetQofAyinYod Kaf-finalLamedMem)

753 > 15 > 6- 753 -753 = 3x251
(for entries using finals, see: 103 --- Nun-finalNunGimel, Nun-finalVauDaletGimelMem, Nun-finalVauZainMem, Nun-finalGimelNun)
TawVauQofReshZainMem --- sacrificial bowls.
TawVauAlephVauShinMem --- desolations or ruins.

754 > 16 > 7- 754 -754 = 2x13x29
(for entries using finals, see: 104 --- Nun-finalYodMemDalet, Nun-finalNunDalet, Nun-finalVauMemChet, YodDalet-Nun-finalMem, Nun-finalDaletNun)

755 > 17 > 8- 755 -755 = 5x151
(for entries using finals, see: 105 --- Nun-finalNunBetGimel, Nun-finalMemYodHay, Nun-finalNunHay)
PehReshAyin HayShinQof --- (1475 w/f); hard of neck, stubborn.

756 > 18 > 9- 756 -756 = 22x33x7
(for entries using finals, see: 106 --- Nun-finalYodKafYodVauYod, Nun-finalVauNun; 196 --- Mem-finalYodAyinVauAyin, Mem-finalYodMemVauLamedAyin)
TawVauReshYodPehSamekh --- Sephiroth, intelligences or numbers. (see 335, HayReshYodPehSamekh, the singular form, for a discussion of the sense of the word.) (Term used collectively for the ten emanations of the Tree of Life).

757 > 19 > 10 > 1- 757 -134th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 107 --- Nun-finalNunVauAleph, Nun-finalVauNunAleph, Nun-finalNunZain))
NunVauTawShinAleph --- (1407 w/f); pr.n. "Uxorious".
TawVauMem-ShinYodAleph --- of worthy of death; a deadly disease, pestilence.

758 > 20 > 2- 758 -758 = 2x379
(for entries using finals, see: 108 --- Nun-finalNunChet; 198 --- Mem-finalAlephNun VauMemAlephNunYod)
TawYodShinMemChet --- (358, 368, 768); fifth, a fifth part.
TawYodChetShinMem --- a destroyer, an ambush (said of troops); destruction.
TawShinChetNun --- copper or bronze; worthlessness (figurative meaning relative to gold); a copper thing or article; money; a chain or fetter.

759 > 21 > 3- 759 -759 = 3x11x23
(for entries using finals, see: 109 --- Nun-finalMemYodChetAleph)
AlephTawShinChetNun --- pr. n. "Bronze".