HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 650 - 659


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 650 - 659

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

650 > 11 > 2- 650 -650 = 2x52x13
(for entries using finals, see: (90 --- Mem-finalYodLamedVauAlephGimel, Mem-finalMemVauDalet, Mem-finalYodAlephLamedTet, Mem-finalMemYod, Mem-finalLamedKaf; Mem-finalYodMem)
TawReshBetChetMem --- union, connection (of two things); beam; cramp, iron fastening.
ReshTawYodMem --- cord or bowstring.
ReshVauReshDalet ReshMem --- free-flowing myrrh (the best sort).
TawVauDaletReshMem --- rebelliousness.
ReshTawNun --- to tremble or palpitate.
--- to loosen.
--- to loose, to fall off.
--- natron (the mineral solvent).

651 > 12 > 3- 651 -651 = 3x7x31
(for entries using finals, see: (91 --- Mem-finalMemVauHay, Mem-finalAlephNun)
ReshMemTawYodAleph --- pr.n. "Palm-coast", "Isle of Palms".
TawReshGimelChetMem --- girdle, belt.
MemYodReshTawAleph --- (1211 w/f); pr.n. "Places".

652 > 13 > 4- 652 -652 = 22x163
TawYodBetReshMem --- numerousness or multitude; increase (of family), offspring; interest (on money); greatness (of wisdom).

653 > 14 > 5- 653 -119th prime
TawBetNunReshAleph --- a hare.

654 > 15 > 6- 654 -2x3x109
(for entries using finals, see: (94 --- Mem-finalZainMemZain, Mem-finalYodTetHayLamed)
MemYodBetResh-TawBet --- (1214 w/f); pr.n. "Daughter of Many" --- name of a particular gate.
QofVauChetReshMemLamed-ReshAyin --- even to afar.

655 > 16 > 7- 655 -655 = 5x131
(for entries using finals, see: (95 --- Mem-finalYodMemDaletAleph, Mem-finalMemYodHay, Mem-finalNunHay, Mem-finalHayNun)

656 > 17 > 8- 656 -656 = 24x41
(for entries using finals, see: (96 --- Mem-finalMemVauYod, Mem-finalVauYodMem, Mem-finalVauNun)
TawVauMemReshYod --- pr.n. "Height" or "Heights".
TawVauYodReshMem --- pr. n. "Rebellions".
YodQofVauReshShinMem --- a pipe, flute.
YodNunAyin TawVauNunAyin --- cry of the afflicted.
NunVauTawLamedQofAyin --- (1306 w/f); winding or tortuous.

657 > 18 > 9- 657 -657 = 32x73
(for entries using finals, see: (97 --- Mem-finalNunVauAleph; Mem-finalZainNun)

658 > 19 > 10 > 1- 658 -658 = 2x7x47
(for entries using finals, see: (98 --- Mem-finalNunChet, Mem-finalYodChetMem, Mem-finalChetNun)
NunVauReshTawBet --- (1308 w/f); a ravine.
ReshVauShinAyin LamedBetNun --- a ten-stringed lyre.

659 > 20 > 2- 659 -120th prime
(for entries using finals, see: (179 --- YodDaletAyin Kaf-finalDaletAyinAleph)
TawReshChetNunAleph --- pr.n. "Panting".
TawVauReshGimelNun --- things flowing away or fleeting; things scraped or heaped together.