HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 170 - 179


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 170 - 179

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

170 > 8- 170 -170 = 2x5x17
HayDaletAyinTzaddiAleph --- step-chain, ankle-chain; arm-band, bracelet.
NunVauPehLamedDalet --- (820 w/f); pr.n. "Blear-eyed".
AyinNunMemYod --- pr.n. "He Will withhold".
TzaddiAyinYod --- (980 w/f); to fasten or fix; to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to admonish.
AyinYodPehYod --- pr.n. "Bright".
AyinTzaddiYod --- to set, spread.
SamekhYodPehKaf --- a cross-beam or tie.
YodNunPehLamed --- anterior or front; before.
YodNunYodAyinLamed --- face or presence.
MemQofLamed --- (730 w/f); to obstruct.
SamekhNunKafMem --- trousers.
QofLamedMem --- to snap or wring --- applied to the neck of a fowl
NunKafSamekhMem --- (820 w/f); a poor or needy one.
AyinSamekhMem --- a stone quarry; a dart, arrow.
--- a breaking up, departure, journeying; a station or starting place.
LamedKafAleph TetAyinMem --- a little of food.
NunYodAyinMem --- (820 w/f); a place of springs or fountains; a fountain or spring; source or supply.
MemYodPehMem --- (730 w/f); pr.n. "Flights" (of time or of life).
HayLamedHayTzaddiMem --- neighing (of horses).
LamedQofMem --- to stir or waver to and fro, to shake.
--- a branch or bough; a rod, stick or staff; a shepherd's rod or crook.
NunSamekhYodNun --- (820 w/f); Nisan (first or spring month of the Hebrews from new-moon of April to that of May).
SamekhSamekhNun --- to be sick, to pine away; a sick man, a patient.
--- to lift or hoist up, to display or make conspicuous.
LamedYodPehNun --- giant.
MemYodAyinNun --- (730 w/f); pleasant or agreeable.; delights or pleasures; pleasant regions.
--- pr. n. "Pleasant", Naomi (Ruth's mother-in-law).
YodMemAyinNun --- pr. n. "Pleasant", Naamite.
LamedTzaddiNun --- to be delivered or saved; to escape from; to strip off (a garment), to strip (a person); to deliver.
--- to pull out.
PehLamedSamekh --- (890 w/f); to twist or turn; to pervert' to overturn or subvert.
--- perversity.
YodMemSamekhSamekh --- pr. n. "Fragrant".
LamedPehSamekh --- to be low; to be hollow.
--- a dish or bowl.
YodPehYodAyin --- pr. n. "Fainting".
AyinLamedAyin --- suck or swallow.
--- a rib.
SamekhMemAyin --- to lift up or heave; to heave on, to load.
MemYodNunAyin --- (730 w/f); pr. n. "Fountains", a city in Judah.
NunNunAyin --- (820 w/f); to cover or hide.
--- a cloud; to cloud or overspread.

171 > 9- 171 -171 = 32x19
NunVauBetLamedAyin-YodBetAleph --- (821 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Strength".
MemAyinYodNunAleph --- (731 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Sighing".
HayYodPehSamekhVauYod --- pr.n. "Yah Gives Increase:.
AlephYodPehSamekhKaf --- pr.n. "White".
TzaddiMemAlephMem --- (981 w/f); forces; resources.
AlephLamedMem LamedAyin --- to fill up and run over.
HayNunVauAyinMem --- a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den.
HayLamedVauTzaddiMem --- depth or deep; distances.
--- abyss.

172 > 10 > 1- 172 -172 = 22x43
YodMemAyin-Nun-finalBet --- (822 w/f); pr.n. "Son of my People".
SamekhYodLamedAyinBet --- pr.n. "Lordly".
AyinQofBet --- to cut, cleave asunder, wound, split, divide (used of the Red Sea in Ex 14,16); rip up, open up, hatch, break into, invade; half, half-shekel.
TzaddiBetAyinYod --- (982 w/f); pr.n. "He Shines", "Conspicuous".
MemYodBetNunAyin --- (732 w/f); grapes.
BetQofAyin --- to spin or weave, to bind; to plot, to deceive.
--- to be bulging, protuberant or prominent; to take by the heel, to supplant.
--- a heel; hoof; step or foot print; the rear (of an army); a deceiver or supplanter, a plotting foe.
--- prominent or hilly; a hill or knoll; deceitful or treacherous;deceived or betrayed.
--- the end or last, to the end or for ever; reward or pay.

173 > 11 > 2- 173 -40th prime
MemAyinNunYodBetAleph --- (733 w/f); pr.n. "Father is Pleasure."
AlephAyinQofBet --- valley.
NunGimelAyinNun --- (823 w/f); to shut up or confine oneself.

174 > 12 > 3- 174 -174 = 2x3x29
QofZainBet-YodNunDaletAleph --- pr.n. "Adonis: Lord of Bezek", king of Bezek
DaletAyinSamekhMem --- a support, a balustrade.
DaletQofAyin --- to bind or tie.
--- banded, striped or streaky.
--- binding or union.

175 > 13 > 4- 175 -175 = 52x7
HayQofYodNunYod --- sucker, shoot.
HayLamedPehKafMem --- pr.n. "A Doubling or Couple" (a place near Hebron).
HayTzaddiYodLamedMem --- a song (of derision), a taunt.
--- an enigma or riddle; something indistinct.
HayLamedAyinMemLamed --- upwards.
LamedHayQofMem --- assembly.
HayNunNunAyin --- enchantress.
--- clouds or a mass of cloud.
HayQofAyin --- to check or press in.
--- oppression.

176 > 14 > 5- 176 -176 = 24x11
HayAyinYodTzaddiAleph --- to spread out.
MemYodQofYodVauYod --- (736 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up".
TzaddiAyinVauYod --- (986 w/f); to set firmly; to resolve firmly; to advise; to admonish.
TzaddiVauAyinYod --- (986 w/f); pr.n. "Counselor".
AyinVauTzaddiYod --- a bed; bridal-bed; floor or story.
NunVauTzaddiLamed --- (826 w/f); mocking or derision.
MemVauQofLamed --- (736 w/f); pr.n. "Barrier" or "Fort".
MemVauYod DaletAyinVauMem --- (736 w/f & 590); time of appointed season, settled or fixed time; festival; festival offering.
LamedLamedVauAyinMem --- sucklings or children.
QofVauAyin --- to be close or tight, to be pressed.
VauMemNunYodAyin --- their eyes.
YodNunVauMemAyin --- Ammonite.
SamekhVauMemAyin --- pr. n. "Burden-Bearer", Amos.
BetDaletNunYodMemAyin --- pr. n. "Voluntary People".
NunNunVauAyin --- (826 w/f); to act covertly, to use magic, to conjure; magician, enchanter.

177 > 15 > 6- 177 -177 = 3x59
MemVauQofLamedAleph --- (737 w/f); rise thou not; with whom the people is; with whom God is.
HayAyinQofBet --- sunken ground, depression, valley; wide plain.
NunDaletAyin NunGimel --- (1477 w/f); pr. n. "Garden of Delight", the Garden of Eden.
QofAyinZain --- to cry out; outcry.
MemYodHayLamedAleph KafAlephLamedMem --- (1217 w/f); a messenger from God --- may also stand for HayVauHayYod or Mem-finalYodHayLamedAleph.
QofZainAyin --- to work or till.
HayBetQofAyin --- a hill. --- deceit or treachery.

178 > 16 > 7- 178 -178 = 2x89
TzaddiPehChet --- (988 w/f); to incline, to bend; to be favorably disposed; to will, choose, please; to take pleasure in; delight in; loving; inclination, pleasure, delight; will or choice, cherished ; purpose; desire, longing; matter, business.
PehTzaddiChet --- (898 w/f); to storm, rage.
PehNunChetMem --- a strangling.
MemYodHay ZainVauAyinMem --- (738 w/f); the fortress of the sea --- refers to the city of Tyre.
ChetTzaddiNunLamed --- according to truth or right.
AlephQofZainAyin --- ring or signet.
BetVauQofAyin --- pr. n. "Supplanter".

179 > 17 > 8- 179 -41st prime
MemAyinNunYodChetAleph --- (739 w/f); pr.n. "Brother of Pleasantness".
TetLamedQofMem --- place of refuge, an asylum.
MemYodAyinTetNun --- (739 w/f); plants.
YodDaletAyin KafDaletAyinAleph --- (659 w/f); I will deck thee with adornment.