HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 870 - 879


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 870 - 879

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

870 > 15 > 6- 870 -870 = 2x3x5x29
(for entries using finals, see: 150 --- Peh-finalSamekhYod, Peh-finalNunKaf; 220 --- Nun-finalSamekhNunSamekh; 310 --- Mem-finalYodNunPehTzaddiMem, Mem-finalYodPehKaf YodQofNun, Mem-finalReshAyin)
TawNunTawKaf --- a shirt or tunic.
MemYodTawPehShinMem --- (1430 w/f); stalls or pens.
TawLamedQofShinMem --- a weight; a plummet.
Nun-finalQofAyin --- to be bent or crooked.
--- to root out; to be extirpated.
--- to bore or dig, to pierce or penetrate
--- to be barren; to hamstring.
--- barren or sterile.
--- a rooting in, a transplanting or ingrafting; a settler or naturalized foreigner.
--- stump.
TawTawAyin --- to set or determine.

871 > 16 > 7- 871 -871 = 13x67
(for entries using finals, see: 151 --- Peh-finalYodSamekhAleph; 221 --- AlephLamed Nun-finalAyinMemLamed)

872 > 17 > 8- 872 -872 = 23x109
(for entries using finals, see: 312 --- Mem-finalYodReshBetSamekh)
QofDaletChet TawKafShinMem --- a thorn-hedge.

873 > 18 > 9- 873 -873 = 32x97

874 > 19 > 10 > 1- 874 -874 = 2x19x23
(for entries using finals, see: 154 --- Peh-finalSamekhAlephYodBetAleph, Peh-finalDaletAyin 314 --- Mem-finalYodReshDaletSamekh;)
TawYodReshBetHay NunVauReshAleph --- (1524 w/f; 283/933 & 742/1392); Arc of the Covenant.

875 > 20 > 2- 875 -875 = 53x7
TawVauMem TetPehShinMem --- a capital charge.

876 > 21 > 3- 876 -876 = 22x3x73
(for entries using finals, see: 156 --- Peh-finalSamekhVauYod, Peh-finalVauAyin; 316 --- Mem-finalVauReshAyin)
TawVauShinQofAyin --- perverseness or falseness.

877 > 22 > 4- 877 -151st prime
(for entries using finals, see: 157 --- Peh-finalAyinZain)

878 > 23 > 5- 878 -878 = 2x439
(for entries using finals, see: 158 --- Peh-finalLamedChetMem; 228 --- Nun-finalVauMemAyin YodNunBet; 318 --- Mem-finalYodReshYodChetNun)
ReshMemTaw-NunTzaddiTzaddiChet --- (1528 w/f); pr.n. "Row of Palm-Trees"

879 > 24 > 6- 879 -879 = 3x293
(for entries using finals, see: 159 --- Peh-finalTetAyin)