HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 280 - 289


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 280 - 289

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

280 > 10 > 1- 280 -280 = 23x5x7
HayReshAyinHay --- to make naked, to uncover or expose.
HayLamedAyinMemLamed KafPehHay --- (760 w/f); to turn right over.
HaySamekhYodReshHay --- a tearing down, a ruin.
ReshAyinYod --- to sprout, flourish; a luxuriant spot, a brake, thicket, wood, forest; wild honey.
AyinReshYod --- to tremble, to shake.
MemKafReshKaf --- (840 w/f); the crocus, saffron.
ReshMemMem --- bitterness or sorrow
AyinNunAyinNunMem --- rattle or cymbal.
YodReshKafNun --- unknown, alien or foreign; another; strange, marvellous.
ReshKafSamekh --- to shut up.
--- to hire.
KafReshSamekh --- (760 w/f); chief officer or president.
ReshYodAyin --- a city,
--- heat; anger.
--- watcher (used for angels).
--- suckling, a young ass, a foal or colt.
DaletVauReshAyin --- a wild ass.
YodReshAyin --- pr. n. "Watchful".

281 > 11 > 2- 281 -60th prime
NunVauKafReshDaletAleph --- (931 w/f); "Daric" --- a Persian coin
PehSamekhPehSamekhAleph --- (1001 w/f); a mixed multitude; the rabble; riff-raff.
ReshPehAleph --- to break, to crumble or pulverize.
--- to cover.
--- to bear, to carry.
--- ashes; animal ashes.
--- head-cover, cover, turban.
YodAyinReshAleph --- the bottom (of a pit).
PehReshAleph --- (1001 w/f); to stretch out, lie extended; to knit, plait.
--- a region, expanse.
AlephSamekhReshKaf --- throne.
ReshMemAlephMem --- edict, mandate; command.
AlephReshMemMem --- pr.n. "Mamre", "Firmness" --- name of a friend of Abraham and of a place near Hebron
AlephReshYodAyin --- pr. n. "Watcher", (a priest of David and 2 of his captains).
HayVauReshAyin --- nakedness; the privy parts, penis, vulva; shame, obscenity or foulness; a blemish; disgrace of ignominy.
--- exposure; damage or injury.

282 > 12 > 3- 282 -282 = 2x3x47
MemYodLamedAlephReshAleph --- (842 w/f); pr.n. "Arelim" --- the angelic order11 of the 3rd Sephira Binah,
HayNunYodBet (67)
ReshYodAyinBet --- in the blind; cattle.
SamekhPehAlephMem NunYodAlephMem --- (932 w/f); not anything
YodReshBetAyin --- Hebrew (signifying either "Descended from Eber" or "Emigrant") (used by foreigners or to foreigners; "Israelite" is used by the people among themselves in the Torah).
HayReshZainAyin --- help or aid.
--- enclosure; a court (of the temple); a ledge or terrace (arround the altar).
YodBetReshAyin --- Arab or Arabian.
11. G-K p. 90

283 > 13 > 4- 283 -61st prime
HayVauHayYod NunVauReshAleph --- (933 w/f, 742/1392 & 874/1524); Ark of Jehovah.
ReshPehGimel --- to bind, to be hard, strong; cypress, gopher-tree.
PehReshGimel --- (1003 w/f); to seize, grasp.
ReshVauGimelSamekh BetHayZain --- treasured gold.
NunVauReshKafZain --- (933 w/f); memorial; record, account.
AyinVauReshZain --- a seed.
LamedGimelReshNun --- pr. n. "Crusher", Nergal, a god of the Cuthites thought to be representative of the planet Mars.
MemYodGimelYodSamekh PehSamekhKaf --- (1563 w/f); silver of dross (unrefined silver).
ReshVauZainAyin --- pr. n. "Helper".
MemYodLamedGimelAyin NunYodAyin --- (1493 w/f); pr. n. "Calves' Fount", (well in Moab on east shore of the Dead Sea).

284 > 14 > 5- 284 -284 = 22x71
AyinVauReshZainAleph --- the forearm; the arm.
HayMemChetResh AlephLamed --- pr.n. "Not Compassionated".
MemYodNunDaletAyin-MemAyin --- (1404 w/f); with delights, charmingly.
HayReshTetAyin --- a crown or diadem; a garland or chaplet.
DaletReshYodAyin --- pr. n. "Shy".
HayGimelVauReshAyin --- arranged or laid out; a bed or parterre.

285 > 15 > 6- 285 -285 = 3x5x19
YodAyinReshDaletAleph --- pr.n. "Strong" --- name of cities in Batanea and in Nephtali.
DaletPehReshAleph --- pr.n. "Border".
AlephYodNunReshKafDalet --- the records.
HayReshAyinYod --- pr.n. "Bare"; forest, wild honey, honeycomb.
HayReshMemMem --- for bitterness
HayMemReshMem --- deceit or fraud; pr. n. "Fraud".
HayYodReshKafNun --- a strange woman (i.e. harlot).
HayBetYodDaletNun ChetVauResh --- a willing or ready spirit; liberal; princely.
ReshYodAyinHay --- the city.
HayYodReshAyin --- nakedness.

286 > 16 > 7- 286 -286 = 2x11x13
PehSamekhPehSamekhAlephHay --- (1006 w/f); the rabble.
ReshVauAyinYod --- wood; forest; pr.n. "Forester".
MemVauReshMem --- (846 w/f); a height or elevation; a high place; high rank or condition; highmindedness; haughtily or proudly.
--- pr. n. "Height".
VauReshYodAyin --- pr. n. "Wakeful".

287 > 17 > 8- 287 -287 = 7x41
ReshPehVauAleph --- (297 & 291); pr.n. "Ophir" --- land of Solomon's gold (India?)
HayAyinYodReshBet --- pr.n. "gift".
ReshYodAyinZain --- a little; a little while; small, little.
ReshPehZain --- to be fragrant.
PehReshZain --- (1007 w/f); to flow, pour.
ReshZainAyinYod --- pr.n. "Auxiliary"; (297).
ReshZainMemMem --- a bastard (either born out of wedlock or between a Jew and a gentile); alien.
YodReshZainAyin --- pr. n. "Help of Yah".
BetYodReshAyinHay --- to act at evening.

288 > 18 > 9- 288 -288 = 25x32
ReshZainAyinYodAleph --- pr.n. "Father is Help".
ReshPehChet --- to cut in, dig; to search out, to spy; to turn red (with shame); to be ashamed; a hole; pr.n. "Blushing", "Pit" or "Well".
PehReshChet --- (1008 w/f); to pull or pluck fruit; to upbraid, reproach; to pass the autumn and winter; pr.n. "ripe"; harvest, autumn (inclusive of winter); maturity.
AyinChetReshYod --- pr.n. "Trusty".
HayReshGimelMemMem --- storehouse, garner
HayMemGimelReshMem --- a stone-heap.
MemChetReshMem --- (848 w/f); since leaving the womb
LamedMemAyin YodMemChetNunMem --- troublesome comforters.

289 > 19 > 10 > 1- 289 -289 = 172
AyinReshYodChetAleph --- pr.n. "Brother is Bad".
ChetReshPehAleph --- the young (of birds); a nestling.
ReshPehTet --- to project; to be pointed or sharp; a point, nail; claw, hoof.
PehReshTet --- (1009 w/f); to pluck; to rend, tear in pieces; to be fresh, to sprout forty; to luxuriate; fresh leaf; prey (of wild beasts); food.
LamedAlephMemChetReshYod --- pr.n. "God Compassionates".
MemReshTetMem --- (849 w/f); while not yet, before
LamedAyinNunHay TzaddiVauLamedChet --- (1099 w/f); one stripped of the shoe (dispossessed of property).