HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 160 - 169


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 160 - 169

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

160 > 7- 160 -160 = 25x5
TetLamedPehYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. "God is Rescue".
NunNunChet-NunBet --- (1460 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Pity".
QofNunYod --- to suck.
PehAyinYod --- (880 w/f); to be wearied, exhausted; faint, worn out; an exhausting or swift course.
AyinPehYod --- to shine, appear.
MemYodQofYod --- (720 w/f); pr.n. "He (God) Raises".
PehSamekhKaf --- (880 w/f); to be pale, white; to long after; silver, money.
SamekhPehKaf --- to tie or bind together; to connect.
SamekhMemKafMem --- pr.n. "Treasury" (a city in Benjamin).
TzaddiLamedMem --- (970 w/f); to be smooth or pleasant
KafSamekhMemMem --- (640 w/f); a mixing; mixed or spiced wine
AyinNunMem --- to keep back, to withhold; to be withheld; to keep oneself back.
SamekhSamekhMem --- to melt, dissolve; to waste away; to be dissolved; to fall apart; to be wasted, lean (of cattle); to faint, despond; to disappear, remove.
--- to measure or apportion.
NunAyinMem --- (810 w/f); object or aim (particle used with other words).
LamedTzaddiMem --- a shadowing.
MemAyinNun --- (720 w/f); to be tender or soft; to be pleasant or sweet; to be agreeable or charming; to turn out pleasant or well.
--- pr. n. "Pleasantness".
--- pleasantness; beauty or charm; grace or favor.
LamedPehNun --- to fall, to be slain; fallen, slain; to attack; to fall ill; to drop or fall (be born); to fall away; to frown; to fall out or happen; to present (a petition); to leave off or desist.
--- to be marvelous or gigantic.
--- an untimely birth, an abortion.
YodQofNun --- clean or pure, innocent; clean or free (of an obligation or charge).
AyinLamedSamekh --- high cliff or precipice; a rock.
NunNunSamekh --- (810 w/f); to wave or shake.
MemHayYodLamedAleph-DaletAyin --- (720 w/f); as far as to them.
PehYodAyin --- (880 w/f); to languish or faint.
--- languid, faint or weary.
SamekhLamedAyin --- to rejoice.
MemNunAyin --- (720 w/f); to be hard or strong.
--- pr. n. "Double Fountain", a city in Issachar.
YodPehAyin --- bough or foliage.
TzaddiAyin --- (970 w/f); a tree; trees; wood or timber; a wooden post or stake, a gibbet or cross; a stick or rod; a wooden idol.

161 > 8- 161 -161 = 7x23
HayAlephLamedYodAyin MemDaletAleph --- (721 w/f); pr.n. "Adam Qadmon", "The Heavenly Man" --- a term for all ten Sephiroth as forming the body of the Primordial Man.
PehPehAleph --- (881 w/f); to join on; to press or crowd, to surround.
MemNunHay-NunBet AlephYodGimel --- (1371 w/f; 95/655 & 183); "the valley of the Son(s) of lamentations" (Hinnom) --- name of the valley S.E. of Jerusalem where children were sacrificed to Molock.
PehSamekhVauHayYod --- (881 w/f); pr.n. "He Increases".
LamedAleph-YodDaletAyinVauMem --- the assembling places of God, the assemblies of God. (temple with its buildings).
HaySamekhVauNunMem --- flight.
LamedAlephYodAyinNun --- pr. n. "God's Inclining" of a place in Naphtali.
AlephDaletVauQofNun --- pr. n. "Headsman".
AlephYodQofNun --- innocent.

162 > 9- 162 -162 = 2x34
VauHayLamedPehYodLamedAleph --- pr.n. "God Distinguishes Him".
NunYodMemYod-NunBet --- (1462 w/f); pr.n. "Son of the Right-hand", "Son of Good Luck"; Benjamin.
AyinTzaddiBet --- to cut up; break bread; to be wounded.
--- gain; unjust gain; filthy lucre; plunder, robbery.
HayNunQofZain --- old age.
TzaddiBetAyin --- (972 w/f); to be white or bright.
ChetBetZainMemHay-LamedAyin --- upon the altar.
BetTzaddiAyin --- to form or fashion; to pain or distress,.
--- distressed.
--- images or idols.
--- a thing fashioned or devised; a vessel or utensil; labor or trouble.

163 > 10 > 1- 163 -38th prime
AyinBetTzaddiAleph --- finger; forefinger; finger breadth.
--- toe.
PehPehGimel --- (883 w/f); to be gibbous, curved.
MemYodNunVauNunZain --- (723 w/f); whoredoms; apostasy; idolatry; foreign commerce.
HayLamedVauAyin-NunBet --- (813 w/f); son of wickedness.

164 > 11 > 2- 164 -164 = 22x41
NunTetQofHay --- (814 w/f); pr.n. "Small".
NunVauTzaddiYodChet --- (814 w/f); outer; civil (profane).
HayMemAyinTetMem --- dainty (of food).
AyinDaletNunMem --- knowledge, understanding
DaletTzaddiAyin --- to cut or hew.

165 > 12 > 3- 165 -165 = 3x5x11
HayYodNunTzaddiBetChet --- pr.n. "Lily of Yah".
HayAyinPehYod --- splendour, beauty.
HayYodMemQofYod --- pr.n. "Existence of Yah".
HayNunAyinMem --- a dwelling; habitation; an asylum, refuge; a lair or den.
--- a furrow.
--- answer or reply; refutation; purpose or object.
HayLamedTzaddiMem --- bell.
--- a shade or shady place.
HayMemAyinNun --- pr. n. "Pleasant".
HayPehYodAyin --- darkness.
HayTzaddiAyin --- to close, to be firm or hard.
--- back bone or spine.
--- wood, timber; counsel or purpose; advice; plan or design; wisdom or deliberation.

166 > 13 > 4- 166 -166 = 2x83
QofNunVauYod --- a sucking child; a young twig, a shoot.
MemYodQofVauYod --- (726 w/f); pr.n. "Yah Sets Up".
NunVauLamedSamekhKaf --- (816 w/f); pr.n. "Confidence", "strong".
HayYodLamedPehAlephMem --- darkness of Yah (profound darkness).
LamedVauLamedSamekhMem --- a raised road, highway.
NunVauAyinMem --- (816 w/f); a dwelling, habitation; a lair or den; at home; abode, asylum or house; pr.n. "Habitation" --- of a city in Judah near a desert; pr.n. "Asylum" --- of an Arabian people; pr.n. "Dwelling".
KafLamedMem DaletBetAyin --- (646 w/f); pr. n. "King's Servant"
HayDaletVauHayYod YodNunBet DaletAyin --- equal to (or as much as) the children of Judah.
TzaddiVauAyin --- (976 w/f); to fasten or fix; to counsel or decide.
--- to bloom or flourish,
NunVauYodLamedAyin --- (816 w/f); The High One, Most High; high or upon.
--- The Highest or Supreme (deity).
NunVauMemAyin --- (816 w/f); pr. n. "Son of my Kin" (born of incest), Ammon --- a son of Lot by his younger daughter, also the descendants of Lot or Ammonites.

167 > 14 > 5- 167 -39th prime
MemYodQofYodZain --- (727 w/f); burning arrow.
HayMemDaletAleph HayBetAyinMem --- dense or heavy soil.
MemYodZainYodLamedAyin --- (727 w/f); exalters.

168 > 15 > 6- 168 -168 = 23x3x7
PehPehChet --- (888 w/f); to cover, protect; scrape off, to lay bare.
HayDaletSamekhVauMem DaletTetMem --- rod of appointment.

169 > 16 > 7- 169 -169 = 132
PehYodDaletAyinHay --- (889 w/f); to make redundant, to have something to spare.
HayNunVauTzaddiYodChet --- civil; profane.
PehPehTet --- (889 w/f); to mince, to toddle, trip along; to bind, to collect.
HayNunDaletAyinMem --- pleasures, with pleasure, cheerfully..
--- bands or fetters.
MemYodTetAyinMem --- (729 w/f); few.