HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 250 - 259


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 250 - 259

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

250 > 7- 250 -250 = 2x53
MemVauReshDalet --- (810 w/f); the south (as bright); south wind.
ReshMemYod --- to change, alter; to be high.
MemReshYod --- (810 w/f); to be high.
ReshChetBetMem --- the choice, choicest.
ChetReshBetMem --- flight; fugitive.
ReshVauDaletMem --- dwelling, abode.
DaletReshVauMem --- descent, declivity; a hanging, festoon.
BetReshChetMem --- a victim.
AlephReshTetMem --- a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting).
DaletVauReshMem --- wandering; a fleeing or flight.
BetChetReshMem --- wide or broad place, breadth; relief or enlargement.
YodReshMem --- contradiction or protest; perverseness; a rebel.
QofQofNun --- to pierce or cleave open.
ReshNun --- a light or lamp.

251 > 8- 251 -54th prime
MemReshVauDaletAleph --- (811 w/f; 305/865 & 255/815); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted".
NunPehTzaddiLamedAleph --- (901 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides".
ReshYodMemAleph --- high; mountain top; tree top.
YodReshMemAleph --- pr.n. "Mountaineer", "Highlander", Amorite.
--- pr.n. "Eloquent".
YodMemReshAleph --- in Aramean or Syriac (i.e. in that language.
--- Aramean, Syrian.
NunReshAleph --- (901 w/f); to be sharp-eared, alert; wild goat.
--- to trill, to make a tremulous noise.
--- ark
--- pine.
LamedAlephYodReshYod --- pr.n. "Founded of God".
HayReshVauMem --- a razor.
--- teaching, instruction.
--- an archer; a teacher; pr.n. "Archer".
HayReshVauMem --- razor.
AlephYodReshMem --- fatling or fat beast; a fatted calf.
ReshAlephNun --- to feel abhorrence; to abhor.
HayYodNunPehMemVauSamekh --- double pipe, bagpipe.
HayLamedAlephHay QofMemAyin --- terebinth valley (near Bethlehem).

252 > 9- 252 -252 = 22x32x7
HayMemVauReshAleph --- pr.n. "Height".
MemYodReshBet --- (812 w/f); pr.n. "Wells".
HayReshMemZain --- vine, branch, twig; sound; song.
HayMemReshZain --- a gushing, emission (of semen), male ejaculation.
HayReshVauAlephMem --- light; cave, hole.
HayAlephReshVauMem --- rebelling.
--- rebellious or obstinate.
HayReshZainMem --- winnower or fan.
ReshBetNun --- to shine or gleam.

253 > 10 > 1- 253 -253 = 11x23
MemReshYodBetAleph --- (813 w/f); pr.n. "Father of Exaltation".
ReshNunBetAleph --- pr.n. "Father is Light".
LamedAlephKafReshBet --- pr.n. "God Blesses".
NunReshGimel --- (903 w/f); to roll, to level, make smooth; a level place, area; threshing-floor; grain.
HayMemReshChet --- pr.n. "Desolation".
VauHayYodKafReshBetYod --- pr.n. "Yah Blesses".
YodMemReshGimel --- pr.n. "Bony" or "Strong".
AlephLamedBetReshKaf --- wrapper, mantle, cloak.
MemBetQofAyinYod AlephLamed --- (813 w/f); He does not keep them back.
ReshVauZainMem --- binding (of a wound); healing, remedy; snare or net; hurt, suffering
DaletReshTetMem --- pr.n. "A Driving Forth".
ZainVauReshMem --- pr. n. "Refuge".
ReshGimelNun --- to flow on; to spread or extent; to be poured out, to flow; to be extended.
GimelReshNun --- to crush or cut in pieces.

254 > 11 > 2- 254 -254 = 2x127
MemReshVauChet --- (814 w/f); pr.n. "Noble Born".
ReshVauMemChet --- ass; a heap or load.
HayReshVauGimelMem --- fear; a storehouse.
HayAlephReshChetMem --- a sink or privy.
ReshHayTetMem --- splendour.
HayReshTetMem --- a keep, dungeon; aim or mark (in shooting).
ChetVauReshMem --- bruised or crushed.
ReshDaletNun --- to bind, to set fast, to vow.
--- to fall or drop out (as grain in threshing).
--- a vow; a votive-offering.
DaletReshNun --- nard, spikenard.

255 > 12 > 3- 255 -255 = 3x5x17
MemReshVauDaletHay --- (815 w/f; 251/811 & 305/865); pr.n. "The Lord is Exalted".
--- pr.n. "Ador is Exalted", Atramites; (249/809).
MemYodReshHay --- (815 w/f); exaltation.
NunReshHay --- (905 w/f); to be high; pr.n. "High", Abraham's Brother.
MemVauReshTet --- (815 w/f); not yet.
HayReshMemYod --- pr.n. "Rebellious".
HayReshZainGimelMem --- an axe.
HayReshVauDaletMem --- pile of wood; a faggot.
TetReshVauMem --- polished; sharp, impetuous.
ChetReshZainMem --- dawn; the east; eastward.
ChetZainReshMem --- a shouting (for joy); a wailing (for sorrow).
HayYodReshMem --- pr. n. "Contumacy".
--- pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (261 266 )
ReshHayNun --- to flow (figuratively of a confluence or gathering).
--- to be bright; to brighten up.
--- a stream or current.
--- a river (especially the river Euphrates or the Nile).

256 > 13 > 4- 256 -256 = 28
NunReshHayAleph --- (906 w/f); luminous; pr.n. "Aaron", first High Priest and brother of Moses.
HayYodReshMemAleph --- (262); pr.n. "Promise of Yah".
NunBetReshDalet --- (906 w/f); a goad.
MemReshVauYod --- (816); pr.n. "Yah is high".
ReshVauChetBetMem --- choice, selection.
MemYodLamedLamedAyinMem BetYodTetYodHay --- (816 w/f); to make one's actions good.
ReshVauNun --- to shine.
--- fire.
DaletAyinVau MemLamedVauAyinLamed --- (816 w/f); for ever and ever, to all eternity.

257 > 14 > 5- 257 -55th prime
NunVauReshAleph --- (907 w/f); receptacle, box, chest; a coffin; wooden chest; the Ark (sacred).
ReshYodMemZain --- a song; song of praise; poem, hymn; song of triumph.
YodReshMemZain --- pr.n. "Sung", "Celebrated".
MemYodReshZain --- (817 w/f); inundation; strangers, fores.
MemTetReshChet --- (817 w/f); a scribe; a sacred writer.
HayBetYodReshMem --- a quarrel or strife; pr. n. "Strife" --- of a fountain.
ReshZainNun --- to consecrate, to vow; to separate oneself; to abstain; to consecrate oneself to.
--- to bind or encircle.
--- consecration (of a priest or Nazarite); a consecrated head (unshorn head); unshorn hair (of a woman); a crown or diadem (for a priest or king.
MemYodNunPeh ZainAyin --- (817 w/f); effrontery.

258 > 15 > 6- 258 -258 = 2x3x43
HayYodReshMemGimel --- (264); pr.n. "Yah completes".
HayReshVauMemZain --- (what has a tremulous motion or trilling sound); vine shoot; twig, branch.
MemReshYodChet --- (818 w/f & 264/824); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre).
NunReshChet --- (908 w/f); pr.n. "Noble".
MemChetReshYod --- (818 w/f); pr.n. "He is Compassionated" or "He is Loved".
ReshYodChetMem --- price, purchase money; hire, wages; pr.n. "Hire".
ReshChetNun --- to snore or snort.
--- a snorting (of a horse).

259 > 16 > 7- 259 -259 = 7x37
MemReshYodChetAleph --- (819 w/f); pr.n. "Brother Exalted".
QofDaletTzaddi-YodNunDaletAleph --- Lord of Righteousness.
NunReshChetAleph --- (909 w/f); at last.
NunReshVauGimel --- (909 w/f); throat.
NunVauReshGimel --- (909 w/f); throat; to cry with the throat; neck.
HayReshVauMemChet --- heap, load.
YodAlephResh YodChetLamed --- pr.n. "Seeing Alive".
YodReshTetMem --- pr.n. "Rainy".
ReshTetNun --- to keep or watch; to keep anger, to continue angry.