HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 260 - 269


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 260 - 269

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

260 > 8- 260 -260 = 22x5x13
NunVauGimelReshAleph --- (910 w/f); web.
MemYodReshChetBet --- (820 w/f); pr.n. "Hot Places".
NunZainReshGimel --- (910 w/f); an axe.
MemAyinMemQofYod --- (820 w/f); pr.n. "Who Assembles the People", "People's Existence".
YodMemReshYod --- pr.n. "Dwelling on High".
ReshMemKaf --- to glow, burn; to be scorched or swarthy; to plait, weave; an idol-priest; a priest.
MemReshKaf --- (820 w/f); to glow; to be bright red; to dig, cultivate; a vineyard; a vine dresser.
ReshYodChetMemBet --- at a price.
ReshKafMem --- to trade or barter, to sell (especially a daughter for marriage price); to deliver over (a people to their foes).
--- ware (article for sale); price or worth; a property or possession.
--- acquaintance.
KafReshMem --- (740 w/f); softness; timidity or fear.
HayReshHayNun --- light or day.
ReshYodNun --- a light.
--- to break up or till.
--- fallow ground; tillage; seed or offspring.
QofYodQofNun --- a cleft or fissure.
ReshSamekh --- refractory, rebellious; sullen, ill humored.
NunYodMemTzaddiAyin --- (910 w/f); pr. n. "Strong".

261 > 9- 261 -261 = 32x29
MemYodReshVauDaletAleph --- (821 w/f); pr.n. "Two Hills", a city in Judah.
NunPehTzaddiYodLamedAleph --- (911 w/f); pr.n. "God Hides".
ReshSamekhAleph --- to bind together; to fetter, to hold captive; to fasten; to yoke fast, harness.
--- restraint.
--- vow of abstinence; inhibition.
--- prohibition, interdict.
NunVauDaletReshAleph --- (911 w/f); pr.n. "Descender" or "Ruler".
NunVauAlephReshDalet --- (911 w/f); abhorrence; object of horror.
NunVauReshHay --- (911 w/f); conception.
MemReshVauHayYod --- (821 w/f); pr.n. "Yah is High".
YodAyinMemMem AlephTzaddiYod --- to come forth from the bowels of --- refers to male role in generation of offspring, evocative of the theory that the seed comes from the male and the female only provides a place for it to mature. This contention is based more on agriculture than biology.
HayYodReshVauMem --- pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 266)
ReshVauHayNun --- light.
MemDaletMem HayBetQofAyin --- (821 w/f); betrayed by blood.
--- a hill of blood.

262 > 10 > 1- 262 -262 = 2x131
VauHayYodReshMemAleph --- pr.n. "Promise of Yah"; (256).
HayNunVauReshAleph --- pr.n. "Joy of Yah"; (266).
ReshSamekhBet --- to condemn; sour, unripe grapes.
NunVauBetReshDalet --- (912 w/f); ox-goad; goads.
HayReshYodMemZain --- pr.n. "Song".
NunDaletAlephReshZain --- (912 w/f); pr.n. "The Chief Ruler".
ReshBetKafMem --- mat or coarse cloth; plated work or grating.
BetKafReshMem --- a chariot; a carriage-seat.
ReshBetSamekh --- to raise or heap up.
--- to hope or trust.
BetReshSamekh --- to be refractory or rebellious.
--- rebels.
NunYodAyinBet NunYodAyin --- (1562 w/f); eye to eye; an eye for an eye.

263 > 11 > 2- 263 -56th prime
ReshNunYodBetAleph --- pr.n. "Father is Light".
SamekhReshGimel --- to break or crush.
MemYodNunPehHay MemChetLamed --- (1383 w/f); the shew-bread.
ChetTzaddiMem YodQofZainChet --- firm of front, impudent.
HayReshChetNun --- snorting.
ReshGimelSamekh --- to cut off or separate; to shut up, keep close; to close.

264 > 12 > 3- 264 -264 = 23x3x11
VauHayYodReshMemGimel --- pr.n. "Yah Completes"; (258).
NunReshVauChet --- (914 w/f); pr.n. "Cavernous".
MemVauReshYodChet --- (824 w/f & 258/818); pr.n. "Noble", Hiram (king of Tyre).
NunVauReshChet --- (914 w/f); glow, heat; anger; a dry faggot; pr.n. "Hollow-place".
ReshVauMemChetYod --- a deer, stag, buck.
NunDaletReshYod --- (914 w/f); pr.n. "Descending", the river Jordan.
KafDaletReshMem --- (744 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk.
ReshVauChetNun --- pr. n. "Snorting".
ReshDaletSamekh --- to arrange or put in order, to set in a row.
DaletReshSamekh --- to fear or tremble.

265 > 13 > 4- 265 -265 = 5x53
NunVauReshChetAleph --- (915 w/f); latter, later; western.
SamekhReshHay --- to tear, break, pull down, pull out destroy; break in; pr.n. "Lion" or "Sun".
NunYodAyin LamedYodTzaddiHay --- (915 w/f); to escape the eye.
HayYodMemReshYod --- (271); pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah.
HayReshKafMem --- a pit.
--- piercers or stabbers; swords.
NunMem HayLamedAyinMemLamed --- (915 w/f); over.
KafDaletAlephReshMem --- (745 w/f); pr. n. "Warlike" --- the Babylonian deity Marduk.
HayYodDaletVauReshMem --- her fleeings.
ReshYodHayNun --- the light.
HayYodReshNun --- pr. n. "Lamp of Yah".
ReshHaySamekh --- to be round or circular.
--- roundness.
--- tower, round tower or castle.
HayReshSamekh --- to join or knit together.
--- a turning away, apostasy or revolt; a leaving off, ceasing.

266 > 14 > 5- 266 -266 = 2x7x19
HayYodNunReshAleph --- pr.n. "Joy of Yah".
MemYodReshVauChetBet --- (826 w/f); young days, youth.
ReshVauChet-NunBet --- (916 w/f); pr.n. "Son of Liberty".
NunVauReshBetChet --- (916 w/f); pr.n. "Alliance".
NunVauBetReshChet --- (916 w/f); drought, heats.
YodNunVauLamedLamedQofMem --- they curse me.
HayYod-YodAlephReshMem --- pr. n. "Shown or Provided by Yah" --- name of the hill of Jerusalem on which Solomon built the Temple. (255, 261)
ReshVauSamekh --- to turn aside or go off, to depart; to backslide or apostatise; to pass away; to forsake.
--- to pierce, dig or cut into, to hollow out.
--- rejected, put back; banished one; a stray or wild shoot; pr. n. "Tendril" (name of a gate of the Temple).

267 > 15 > 6- 267 -267 = 3x89
ReshVauSamekhAleph --- bond, fetter.
YodBetAleph MemReshVauChet --- (827 w/f); pr.n. "Free-born is My Father".
AlephNunVauBetReshChet --- pr.n. "Ass Driver".
NunVauAlephReshYod --- (917 w/f); pr.n. "Dreadful".
HayBetKafReshMem --- a chariot; a war chariot.
ReshYodZainNun --- consecrated one, a Nazarite (Nazarites took a special vow, shaved off all their hair and thereafter refrained from cutting their hair); an unpruned vine; a prince.
MemYodPehVauPehAlephNun --- (827 w/f); adulteries.

268 > 16 > 7- 268 -268 = 22x67
HaySamekhMemAyinMem NunBetAleph --- (918 w/f); a burden-stone --- used for gymnastic exercise.
QofLamedQofLamedChet --- smooth; slippery places; flatteries.
ReshSamekhChet --- to be cut off; to be diminished; to fail, to be wanting; to want or lack; lacking, wanting.
YodNunReshChet --- cave.
SamekhReshChet --- to be rough; to be scabby; to be tough; sticky; to glow, to shine; the itch; the sun; pr.n. "Place of Clay".
YodReshChetNun --- pr. n. "Snorer"
ReshChetSamekh --- to go round or about, to traverse; to trade; a trader.
--- to be black or dark color.
--- a mart; trade-gain, profit.
ChetReshSamekh --- to shed or pour out; to lay prostrate; to be redundant, to hand over.
--- to stink, to be corrupt.
--- a superfluity, a remainder.

269 > 17 > 8- 269 -57th prime
NunYodReshChetAleph --- (919 w/f); at last.
PehVauLamedGimelNunMemSamekh --- One of the angels said to have imprisoned Lilith beneath the sea. Probably: "Setter of the Mark"
ReshVauGimelSamekh --- enclosure or caul; pericardium; pure or precious; a warlike weapon, battle axe.
ReshGimelVauSamekh --- a den or cage.