HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 270 - 279


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 270 - 279

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

270 > 9- 270 -270 = 2x33x5
ReshHaySamekhHay --- the round bowl.
ReshSamekhYod --- to bind, to tame; to correct, chastise.
MemAyinNunQofYod --- (830 w/f); pr.n. "The People's Possession".
TzaddiPehMem YodLamedKaf --- (1080 w/f); a smashing-tool, maul (a particular type only);
ReshNunKaf --- to make a tremulous sound; to trill.
YodMemReshKaf --- pr.n. "Vineyard Man".
NunReshKaf --- (920 w/f); Lyre".
ReshYodKafMem --- pr.n. "Trader", "Patron".
YodReshKafMem --- pr.n. "Precious".
ReshKafNun --- to know or recognise; to fail to know, to disown or repudiate; to be known or recognized; to make oneself strange; to feign or dissemble; to recognize or respect; not to know; to deny.
--- to sell or deliver up.
--- strangeness, foreignness.
--- calamity.
ReshYodSamekh --- a pot; thorn or briar; fishing hook.
MemYodNunSamekhNunSamekh --- (830 w/f); palm branches.
MemYodQofNunAyin --- (830 w/f); Anakites.
ReshAyin --- a city.
--- enemy.
--- a caller.
--- skin.

271 > 10 > 1- 271 -58th prime
ReshYodSamekhAleph --- fettered one, prisoner.
--- captive.
AyinReshAleph --- to flee.
--- the earth; the ground; low, below.
NunVauYodReshHay --- (921 w/f); conception, pregnancy.
VauHayYodMemReshYod --- pr.n. "Yah is Exalted", Jeremiah.
HayReshVauKafMem --- descent, nativity.
ChetVauResh HayBetNun --- smitten of spirit, contrite.
VauReshYodHayNun --- light, illumination or wisdom.

272 > 11 > 2- 272 -272 = 24x17
MemLamedAlephReshAleph --- (832 w/f); the strong one, the mighty one, hero, heroes; Lion of God.
ReshAyinBet --- to browse, to feed upon; to burn up; to be brutish; feed on, consume; destroy; brutishness, stupidity.
AyinReshBet --- to make a present; pr.n. "Gift".
MemYodBetReshKaf --- (832 w/f & 278/838); Cherubim.
ReshYodBetKafMem --- wealth or abundance.
BetQofAyinYod KafLamedMem --- (752 w/f); pr.n. "King of Jacob" --- a term for the deity.
ReshBetAyin --- to pass over, to cross; to pass or go through; to go past or beyond, to pass away, to vanish or perish; to pass, distil, drop freely.
--- to bear, to be fruitful or pregnant.
--- a region or country beyond (any limit or boundary) --- essentially the English word that transliterates it: OVER as "beyond"; a place over against, opposite side; coast or side.; pr. n. Eber (an ancestor of the Hebrew race).
BetLamedChet VauAlephLamedMem VauYodNunYodTetAyin --- his vessels are full of milk.
BetReshAyin --- to bind or combine, to plait or braid, to interweave; to mingle or combine; to exchabte or barter, to traffic; to pledge or pawn; to be or give security.
--- to be or grow dark; evening.
--- to be dry or parched, to be sterile or waste.
--- to be sweet or pleasant.
--- to cry or call, to croak.
--- willows.
--- the gadfly.
--- pr. n. "Waste" or Barren", Arabia.
--- woof or weft (in weaving); a mixed multitude or mass, rabble, riff-raff.
--- evening.
--- a raven, crow.

273 - 12 > 3- 273 -273 = 3x7x13
AyinBetReshAleph --- four, fourth.
AlephReshAyinBet --- pr.n. "A Brand".
AlephYodReshTetMemYodGimel --- gematria (Greek: GR:gamma-rho-alpha-mu-mu-alpha-tau-epsilon-iota-alpha = 501).
ReshAyinGimel --- to cry out, call out at, scold, rebuke.
AyinReshGimel --- to tear, cut off; curtail, restrain, limit, avert (the eyes); to swallow (water); to drink up.
HayReshSamekhChet --- pr.n. "Neediness".
HayReshChetSamekh --- traffic; merchants.
--- a shield.
MemYodMemAyin YodLamedGimelAyin --- (833 w/f); calves of the peoples (tribes following leaders).
ReshGimelAyin --- to cry or make a shrill sound, to twitter or chatter.
GimelReshAyin --- to cry or call, to bray or low; to long or pant.
--- to arrange or lay out.

274 > 13 > 4- 274 -274 = 2x137
NunReshKafDalet --- (924 w/f); record, register.
AyinReshDalet --- to scatter, to sow; arm; pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge".
YodKafDaletReshMem --- pr. n. "Belonging to Marduk", Mordecai --- Esther's foster-father, who became chief minister of the Persian court.
ReshDaletAyin --- to arrange or marshall; to set in order; to dig or dress; to muster; to miss or find wanting.
--- an array or muster; a herd or drove.
--- pr. n. "Herd".
DaletReshAyin --- to tremble or fear.
--- pr. n. "Wild Ass".

275 > 14 > 5- 275 -275 = 52x11
AyinReshDaletAleph --- arm; power.
ReshKafGimel-Nun-finalBet --- (925 w/f); pr.n. "Son of a Hero".
HayReshAyin --- to be bare or naked.
--- to run or flow
--- cleared or open places, meadows.

276 > 15 > 6- 276 -276 = 22x3x23
SamekhChetReshChet --- pr.n. "Brilliant".
ReshVauSamekhYod --- one who turns away from me; corrector, reprover.
ReshVauNunKaf --- a harp, lyre.
ReshVauAyin --- to cry or call; to be astir or awake.
--- to be bare or naked.
--- to dig, to hallow out.
--- to go round, to encircle or enclose.
--- to oppress.
--- to suck.
--- to glow or burn.
--- the skin or hide; leather; the body (as covering for the soul).
--- chaff or hull.
--- blind.

277 > 16 > 7- 277 -59th prime
HayReshAyinBet --- a burning.
HayAyinReshBet --- a present; in evil, misfortune.
ReshAyinZain --- to be pressed together; to be small, little.
AyinReshZain --- to scatter, spread out, disperse; to sow (seed); sowing, time of sowing; seed, a plantation, crop, grain, produce; posterity; family, race; arm, forearm; shoulder or foreleg; strength, force, might.
HayReshBetAyin --- ferryboat.
--- anger or wrath; pride or insolence.
ReshZainAyin --- to begird or enclose; to strengthen, to help
--- pr. n. "Help".
HayBetReshAyin --- wilderness or desert.
--- surety or security; pledge or pawn.

278 > 17 > 8- 278 -278 = 2x139
HayAyinBetReshAleph --- four.
ReshVauAyinBet --- pr.n. "Torch".
HayReshAyinGimel --- rebuke.
AyinDaletReshDalet --- pr.n. "Pearl of Knowledge".
ReshYodSamekhChet --- wanting, deficient.
AyinReshChet --- to be cunning.
MemYodBetVauReshKaf --- (838 w/f & 272/832); Cherubim --- angelic order associated10 with the 10th Sephira Malkut,(496).
ReshVauBetAyin --- produce or grain.
--- a passing over, result; for, on account, for the sake of; because, in order that; while, in passing away.
AlephReshZainAyin --- pr. n. "Help", Ezra.
10. G-K p. 92

279 > 18 > 9- 279 -32x31
NunYodMemYod PehTetAyinYod --- (1649 w/f); he hides himself in the south.
ReshVauGimelAyin --- chattering or twittering (of the swallow); the swallow, a swift, the crane.
AlephReshBetVauAyin --- embryo or fetus.
ReshTetAyin --- to surround or encompass.
HayDaletAyinResh --- a trembling or fear.