HEBREW GEMATRIA: Values from 500 - 509


Hebrew Gematria: Values from 500 - 509

by Bill Heidrick

Copyright © by Bill Heidrick

500 > 5- 500 -500 = 22x53
Kaf-final --- Koph final --- see 20.
TawTzaddiYod --- to burn, blaze; to be burned.
TawPehKaf --- to bind or begird, to surround, to deck; to fetter.
PehTawKaf --- (1220 w/f); to cover; to load or burden; the shoulder; the side, border; shoulder piece of the High Priest's Ephod; side space or flank.
AyinTawLamed --- to bite.
MemTawKafMem --- (1060 w/f); a writing, a poem (title in some Psalms). (sometimes considered a mark of concealed meaning in poetry).
TawYodNunMem --- pr.n. "Allotment" --- of a place of the Ammonites whence wheat was brought to Tyre.
YodNunTawMem --- pr. n. "Liberal".
NunTawNun --- (1150 w/f); to give.
--- pr. n. "Gift".
MemTawSamekh --- (1060 w/f); to close or stop up; to keep secret.
HayVauHayYod TawDaletAyin --- the congregation of Yahweh.
TzaddiYodTzaddiQof QofMemAyin --- (1310 w/f); border-valley (a city in Benjamin).
LamedTawAyin --- to hide or secrete.

501 > 6- 501 -501 = 3x167
(for entries using finals, see: 21 --- Kaf-finalAleph)
YodNunTawMemAleph --- strong, powerful; well-hipped.
NunAyinNunKaf ShinYodAleph --- (1151 w/f); a Cananite.
ShinReshAleph --- to grasp or seize, to appropriate; to marry.
--- to seek after, to desire.
ReshShinAleph --- (507); a step, going; pr.n. "A Plan".
--- to be straight, even; to be prosperous.
--- to bind.
--- who, which, that which, that; to whom; where.
--- happiness, prosperity.
NunNunTawAleph --- (1151 w/f); present, gift; harlot's hire; fruits, produce.
QofTawAleph --- to remove, to shift forward.
HayVauHayYod TawAyinBetGimel --- pr.n. "Hill of Yahweh" --- mt. Zion.
LamedAlephYodNunTawYod --- pr.n. "God Bestows". GR:tau-omicron  pi-alpha-nu --- "the all" --- Said of the ultimate deity by Qabalists.
AlephShinMem PehSamekhKaf --- (1221 w/f); tribute-money.
TawAyin-AlephLamed --- no-time, untimely.

502 > 7- 502 -502 = 2x251
TawLamedAyinBet --- pr.n. "Mistress".
ShinReshBet --- to cut, pierce.
ReshShinBet --- to lay open; announce, tell out; tell good tidings, bring good news; to be fresh or cool; to swell out, to be plump; flesh; body; skin; a human being, a mortal; all men, mankind; all living creatures; blood relation; "the parts of shame" --- sexual organs.
QofTawBet --- to cut up.
BetLamed-ShinQofAyin --- perverse of heart.

503 > 8- 503 -96th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 23 --- Kaf-finalBetAleph)
TawLamedChetZainHay NunBetAleph --- (1153 w/f); pr.n. "Snake Stone".
LamedAyinBetTawAleph --- pr.n. "With Baal".
ShinReshGimel --- to crush, pound; crushing; crushed or pounded grain; to drive, chase, send away; divorce; cast out; pillage; a putting forth (of fruit); a yield, product.
ReshShinGimel --- to bind; to build a bridge.
ReshDaletAleph ReshTzaddiChet --- pr.n. "Village of Adar".
ShinAyinYodPehGimelMem --- pr.n. "Moth Destroyer".
TawLamedGimelAyin --- pr. n. "Heifer".

504 > 9- 504 -504 = 23x32x7
(for entries using finals, see: 24 --- Kaf-finalDalet)
TawAyinLamedDalet --- gourd.
ShinReshDalet --- to tread, beat out; lay open, search for, seek, investigate; to be intent, seek often, make inquiries about.
TawVauTzaddiChet --- the middle, midst.
TawPehTetVauTet --- bands, fillets; plylacteries.
TawVauChetNunMem --- pr.n. "Reposes" --- of a place.
TawVauLamedYodChetNun --- pipes or flutes
ShinQofAyin BetBetLamed --- a perverse heart.

505 > 10 > 1- 505 -505 = 5x101
HayQofShinMem YodLamedKaf --- drinking-vessels.
HayYodNunTawMem --- pr. n. "Gift of Yah".
ShinYodQofTzaddiHay --- to make or declare perverse.

506 > 11 > 2- 506 -506 = 2x11x23
(for entries using finals, see: 26 --- Kaf-finalBetDalet)
HayReshShinAleph --- (516); happiness; pr.n. "Ashera" --- Phoenician and Syrian goddess of blissfulness and fortune.
ShinGimelReshGimel --- to be slimy, miry; pr.n. "Clay Soil".
HayVauHayYod-TawAleph HayAyinDalet --- The knowledge of Yahweh, to know HayVauHayYod.
TawVauAyinLamed --- with, by.
TawVauYodNunMem --- portions.
HayNunQofMem ShinYodAleph --- a herdsman.
MemVauZainAleph-TawAleph VauTetHay AlephLamed --- (1066 w/f); they inclined not their ear (to listen).
MemYodLamedChetNun TzaddiVauReshAyinBet --- (1876 w/f); in terribleness of valleys.

507 > 12 > 3- 507 -507 = 3x132
(for entries using finals, see: 27 --- Kaf-finalZain)
NunVauTawNunAleph --- (1157 w/f); ye.
ReshVauShinAleph --- (501); step, going; conduct; a species of cedar.
QofVauTawAleph --- a break, offset (in buildings), a gallery.
HayReshShinBet --- (513); glad tidings, good news; reward for good news.
ShinReshZain --- pr.n. "Golden".

508 > 13 > 4- 508 -508 = 22x127
(for entries using finals, see: 28 --- Kaf-finalVauBet, Kaf-finalTzaddi-final)
TawVauLamedAyinBet --- pr.n. "Mistresses".
ShinVauReshBet --- fir; cypress or pine; spear; musical instrument.
ReshVauShinBet --- pr.n. "Sedgy".
HayShinReshGimel --- driving out, ejectment, expulsion.
ShinReshChet --- to be inert, still; to be deaf; to be dumb or silent; to glow, shine, glitter; to be green, to grow luxuriant; an artificer or workman; deaf; a wood, thicket, forest; craft or trade; art, artifice; silence; clay, potters earth; pottery, earthenware; potsherd.
ReshShinChet --- to bind together, to combine; gatherings; the nave of a wheel.

509 > 14 > 5- 509 -97th prime
(for entries using finals, see: 29 --- Kaf-finalDaletHay)
VauYodTawAlephTzaddiBet --- swamps, marshes.
NunVauTawNunGimel --- (1159 w/f); pr.n. "Gardener".
ReshVauShinGimel --- pr.n. "Bridge".
AlephShinReshChet --- pr.n. "Deaf"; pr.n. "Craftsmen".
MemYodMem-VauLamedZainYod VauNunYodPehAyinPehAyin --- (1069 w/f); let our eyelids flow with water (shed tears).